Chapter 2- Lifepride

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Leafshine extended her orange wings in the last of the evening light in admiration.
If only Gleampaw could've seen this...
Woah wait who's this? Also where's Embers? This is her book, after all.

Gleampaw had been her apprentice before- before she... was killed.
*Tries to add tragedy to an already Mary-Sue without much context*

No cat had known who it was... but it was certainly a cat. A clever cat.
They were really smart to do that.

Everyone in the clan grieved the death of Embersoar... also killed... but in battle. She died an honorable warrior, defending her pride from wicked, sneaky Darkpride.
The 'ShadowClan is Evil' stereotype. Also Embers apparently lived here.

Leafshine felt an overpowering wave of tiredness hit her like a flood.
Convenient exhaustion.

I should probably get some rest... She thought, yawning. There is a gathering tomorrow...
"I've spent all day moping around about my Mary-sue problems. Better get some rest."

As soon as Leafshine layed her head down into her soft, comfy moss, she fell asleep.
I don't think "layed" is a word.
(If it wasn't obvious already)

Leafshine bounded through a beautiful field of starlight and prey, her mouth watering at the scent of squirrel.
Oh wow a Skypride dream- Squirrel!!!

A beautiful white cat with ice blue eyes suddenly padded up to her.

Again. No context.

She looked younger than she had when she had died.

"Leafshine," Froststar nodded to the orange-and-scarlet she-cat. "I've something urgent to tell you."
Moar cliché WC fanfiction stuff.

Leafshine's heart sank.
Mine too.

Her beautiful dream was growing darker.

Why didn't she say hi to me?

"O-Okay..." Leafshine meowed, confused. "What is it?"

Froststar sat down and looked at Leafshine grimly.
Frost the drama queen

"The good, the evil, and the living, the ancient balance that keeps all, is returning..."
That's very different from what the first chapter said-

Leafshine's eyes widened with puzzlement.

"What does that mean?" She meowed shrilly, distressed.
It means y'all are probs gonna duel it out.

But, everything was begining to fade into blackness, until only Froststar's ice blue eyes were left.

The good, the evil, and the living, the ancient balance that keeps all, is returning...
This is a weird spinoff prophecy.

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