Chapter 2- The Eight Spirits Prophecy

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Disclaimer: this chapter has a lot of long paragraphs, so I'm gonna have to break em up weird. Sorry about that.

Silverteeth stared in horror at the soil that was being poured on top of her. She was lying limp on her back in a shallow hole in the ground, the earth pressing into her pelt. She tried to scream as the soil began to cover her narrow face and fell into her eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Then, the cold earth was pressing all around her, suffocating her, killing her. Silverteeth made one last attempt to scream when...
Anyone counting the times I say "narrow" to describe Silver's face?

Silverteeth's eyes snapped open to see a cat's face less than a mouse-length away from her nose. She squealed in surprise and made the cat jump back a little. She was a calico she-cat with leaf-green eyes. She looked no more than eleven moons old as was very slender. Toms would call her attractive.
Or she-cats? Keep in mind, I didn't know a whole lot about different sexualities back when I wrote this.

"Wh-Who are you?" Silverteeth asked warily when the strange cat just simply stared at her.

"Oh! Sorry for creeping you out!" The pretty she-cat meowed softly, her tail tip brushing the lush grass. "I'm Fernstep, medicine cat of SunPride! Or, at least I was..."
Welcome in irrelevant character no. 3!

Silverteeth nodded slowly, still confused. "But you look so young! How do you already have your full name?"
Ow, Silver. Watch it bro

Fernstep bowed her head. "My old mentor said I had exceptional skills and said I deserved my full name right away. That was the night she-" Fernstep broke off, her green eyes misting over.
Ooferoni she did not ask for your life story

"It's okay, Fernstep. What happened?" Silverteeth tilted her head and wrapped her tail around the young medicine cat's small body.
Well that's a weird gesture for a stranger to pull- also why tf would you pry

"That was the night she collapsed..." Fernstep choked out in a whisper. "Blood was leaking from her pelt, eyes, nose, and mouth... And even her ears..." Fernstep's pupils dialated as she recalled the gruesome scene.
Ew why are you making her retell this

"When did this happen?" Silverteeth mewed softly, sympathy for the little she-cat making her own eyes mist over.
Seriously stop

"Not even a moon ago." Fernstep was shaking now, with tears streaming down her face. "I fell ill just a few sun-rises later. And I can't find her spirit anywhere"
She was a bad kitty or something

Silverteeth froze. An epidemic? And at the worst time possible! The 'Living' is down there!
Don't have to worry about her. She's Leafshine the magical.

"I'm so sorry, Fernstep." Silverteeth murmured, stroking her tail across the young she-cat's back.

Fernstep shrugged. "I'll just go look for her some more now..."

Before Silverteeth could stop her, she was gone. Strange she-cat... What was with the sudden mood swings?
Hmm weird. Hmmm weirddddd....

Suddenly, she was so tired, that her strong legs could no longer support her lean body. She collapsed to the ground, warm darkness enveloping her in sleep...
Convenient pass-out



Silverteeth glanced around. She was in a beautiful fresh forest, dew from the rich green leaves tickling her pelt. Suddenly, a cat appeared, followed by seven others. The cat in the front was mostly orange with yellow paws and a red and yellow sun marking on his forehead and chest.
Waitwait hold on. I thought SkyPride cats couldn't have dreams?

"I am Sunspirit," the strange cat said then flicked his tail towards a dark she-cat with a light blue crescent moon and star on her forehead and chest. "And that is my sister, Lunarspirit."
Lunarspirit nodded when Sunspirit introduced her.
Oof. I remember spending days designing these two.

"I know about you!" Silverteeth meowed, lowering her head in respect. "You're all the elders would ever talk about."
So why am I only learning about this now??

A dark gray tom with a yellow lightning bolt symbol and a light gray tom with a white cloud symbol both looked at each other and smirked as a bluish she-cat with a dark blue raindrop symbol rolled her eyes.
Symbols?? Elaborate???

"You're the kit that would always run for your mother whenever we played tag," The dark gray tom giggled. "I'm Stormspirit, and this is Cloudspirit." he meowed, flicking his tail to the light gray tom.
This is referring to a thunderstorm. Past Sneg didn't know this would be confusing. Silver has never met these two.

The bluish she-cat rolled her eyes once more and grumbled, "I would only chase after you because you kept taunting me about 'the perfect storm'"
"Storm, Cloud, and Rain! The perfect storm!" Snorted Stormspirit.
Oof, that one hurts. I need the cringe bucket.

"And fire too, right?" Meowed a orange-golden tom with a flame symbol.
"Well, fire just makes the storm dangerous, Firespirit," Meowed a pretty greenish she-cat with a leaf symbol. "And plus, last time you played tag with them, my flower patched burned! The only reason it's still growing is because Rainspirit and Snowspirit put it out." She flicked her tail to a pure white she-cat with a barley noticeable light blue snowflake symbol that matched her pupil-less eyes as she said 'Snowspirit'.
Generic element cats with generic names. I was just bursting with creativity.

Snowspirit bowed her head and spoke. "But Lunarspirit and Sunspirit have something very important to say to this silver cat." Silverteeth guessed the snowy she-cat was blind by the way she didn't look directly at anyone as she spoke.
"Yes, if you're all quite finished... and Lifespirit? I think there was a wilted lily in your garden." Lunarspirit added, her tail flicking with impatience. "Sunspirit, you gut the message from Soul, you tell her."
Idk if that was an insult or not, but it was irrelevant either way.

Sunspirit nodded. "You're the only one left, Silverteeth. You can't save the Dark, but you can save the Living."
The patch of grass nearest to her faded and she could see Lifepride camp below her. It zoomed in until she could see the burial grounds. They were pushing a light orange she-cat with scarlet leaf patterns into a grave and putting soil on her! Somehow, Silverteeth sensed that the she cat was alive. Barley. No cat deserves to suffocate to death! she thought, her tail flicking angrily. Not even Thornstar!
See this is why I hate Leafshine. Leaf patterns????

"Save the Living..." a voice whispered.
When the Light saves the living,
all darkness will cower...
And good has a chance
And evil's dark tower will crumble...
Wow it even rhymes o h w a i t

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