Grayson Curt

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Name: Grayson "Gray" Lee Curt

Age: 21

Providence: Allens


Caste: 2

FC: Penn Badgley

Personality: Grayson is not at all gray or dull, he full of color and light. He's not afraid to engage in conversation. He has a way with words, very charming, sometimes it comes off as flirty. When the situation calls for it he can be dead serious. Being the oldest, he's a natural born leader, not afraid to take charge.

Likes: Grayson loves storms, the rain, thunder, lightning. The sound of it hitting the roof and how the ground smells after a storm was relaxing. You will often find him outside when a storms rolling in. He also enjoys music and is very skilled at playing the piano.

Dislikes: Grayson dislikes large crowds. He starts to feel claustrophobic and suffocated in them. One thing to never offer him is spiced food, he'd more of a sweet tooth.

Weakness: Grayson doesn't trust people very easily, which makes it hard for him to form deep relationships. He only sees himself as average, not amazing or worthless. Just okay. Good luck trying to convince him otherwise.

Strength: Grayson is a good listener and a good person to confide in. He won't interrupt you or judge you. Strength is another one of his strengths. He trains in kickboxing, so don't pick a fight with him.

Profession: Firefighter

Backstory: Grayson was born to a teen mom who gave him up for adoption. His adoptive parents are loving, supportive, and kind. He looks nothing like him, they have light blonde hair while he had dark hair. This was the reason he found out he was adoptive. He got in touch with his birth mom a few years back. She is now married and has two kids with her new husband. They have a growing relationship.

He joined the selection in hopes of finding love. He had a hard time connecting with people and is hoping the selection will help.

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