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Name: Anastasia Maria Oaklyn

Species: Human

Age: 19

Occupation: Princess



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Personality: Anastasia is a spunky young lady

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Personality: Anastasia is a spunky young lady. She was never one for rules and liked to see how far she could get without getting in trouble. Fierce, fiery, and independent are the words she would use to describe herself. She is no damsel in distress and it's very hard for her to admit she needs help and accept help.

Likes: The outdoors, getting her hands dirty, running through the castle halls, animals, waterfalls, blueberries...

Dislikes: Rules, wearing dresses, salads, having to walk, people telling her what to do...

Flaws: She has a hard time admitting when she is wrong and accepting others help.

Backstory: Grew up in the castle with her parents, the King and Queen, and her brother. From a young age, she was taught how to be a proper princess and trained to someday rule the kingdom. She always had to be cautious about using her powers around others and stayed within the castle walls most of the time. Her life was pretty normal for a princess until the castle was attacked.

Other: She can talk to animals as well as control and manipulate water.

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