Ruth Matia

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Name: Ruthia Leta Matia

Nickname: Ruth

Age: 21

Date of Birth: 12/13/1996

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Kingdom: Switzerland

Face Claim: Ruta Elzbieta Mazureviciute

Personality: She has a quietness about her, a softness to her personality. She's not afraid to talk, but rather prefers to observe first then speak. Though, if you look into her eyes you will see a hard edge to them. She tends to be quick to judge. If she doesn't like you then she won't waste her time on you. Some may say she's cold and standoffish, but if you get to know her you'll see her sweetness.

Violin music
Ice cream

Bubbly people
Small spaces

Loosing a family member

She makes an excellent cup of coffee.
She's also very good with children.

Backstory: Ruth is the middle child to two very loving and kind parents. Her parents own their own a small bakery in her home town. They make enough to give their family a comfortable life. Ruth's childhood was filled with laughter and baked goods. Her father was a larger man who had a booming laugh. Her mother was small and always wore a smile. Ruth got along well with both her siblings growing up, only the normal sibling bickering.

-Father: Nojus
-Mother: Ieva
-Younger sister: Lina
-Older brother: Matis
-Younger brother: Darius

Theme Song: Hopeless ~ Halsey

Quote: "I am not shy, I just prefer to think before I speak."

Love music and painting.
You will likely find her outside in front of an easel.
Her family is from European decent.
Recently broke up with her boyfriend of two years.
Has a pet Persian cat named Ester.
Still live at home and works in her parents bakery.

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