Chapter Two

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  "Willa wake up!" A hand shook me to wake up, "They're here!" I was too determined to ignore Bianca's prodding, but I eventually lifted myself out of her bed and let my back stretch intensely into a soft pop. I let my yawns carry along with the stretch before slowly finding my way to the shared dresser between the four girls and I. There was an extra drawer since one of our girls was adopted just a week ago.

"Here," A hand turned me to face Bianca, who's smile glimmered brightly. I knew on the inside she was devastated but refused to show any sign of it. It made me sad. A cute little dress dangled from her fingertips, "I know you aren't much of a dress kinda girl, but I want you to have it and maybe wear it today. Dress to impress." That saying was always her favorite when it came to special events, but this time it was more sincere. I stood there gaping at the dress, pink flowers with soft green leaves greeted the white background of the dress.

"I love it." I say as I pressed the fabric to my body, as if I was already wearing it.

"The Matron and I picked it out for you a little bit after she got the call from the family who want to adopt you." I stood, holding the dress close to me. Guilt forever lingered in the pit of my chest, "I'm only meeting them..." My voice seemingly matched my expression, floored with an infinite amount of shock. Her smile never faded when she gently pushed me out the door after helping me change, "Go and make me proud." was all she said before closing the bedroom door, leaving me standing in front of the stairs. The Matron waited at the bottom with her eyes glued onto me, "Are you ready for this?" She questioned me, her pure heart shot a soft smile onto her face. I let myself drift down the stairs. The older ladies hand rested on my back guiding me to her office, "As I'll ever be..." I murmured just loud enough for her to hear.

The door was closed with a plaque on the front, "Ms. Lilia". My hands fiddled with my dresses ruffles. I dreaded stepping through that pearly white door frame that made me vulnerable once the door was opened. I dreaded seeing the backs of the two heads that stood looking out of Ms. Lilia's massive window, which guided fresh light into the center of the room. The rays created a spotlight effect, revealing any dust particles floating amongst the office.

"Gentlemen," The Matron spoke politely, "I'd like you to meet little Willa." That's what everyone here at the orphanage named me, Little Willa Love. Only because my height was much shorter than the others and I apparently had an "innocent" glow according to everyone else. I could feel Ms. Lilia's hands gently brushing through my hair and pushing some strands over my shoulder. She did this to comfort me whenever I grew nervous or afraid, sometimes even when I had fits of anger. But all of that was rare to me. The only person who's actually experienced my rage or fright was Bianca. We'd been through thick and thin with one another, I'd seen her at her worst and she'd seen me at mine.It wasn't easy for her to learn all my weaknesses and problems since I barely was able to trust another person after all the foster homes I'd gone through and even what happened before I became an orphan.

Just looking at the two men in front of me, I could hardly tell they were related considering that the father had a soft brown tint to his hair, much like my own. The son had a yellow tinge to his hair. The boy had violet eyes but the father's were deep brown. Nonetheless, they both gave me that sweet glint in their eyes while a smile was playing on their lips.

The son was hanging onto a glossy white rose and stood before me, bowing. Bowing? Have I finally become a disney princess? What the hell?

"Hello, Princess, my name is Tamaki Suoh." His light voice held a heavy accent but I was somehow able to understand every word he threw at me. His hand offered me the delicate flower with a charming grin. I gratefully took the rose and leaned my nose into it out of habit. The scent spiraled into my nose. It reminded me of the garden in the backyard of the orphanage, Ms. Lilia and Bianca would always take me out there to pick a single flower. The flower being a rose of any color. I loved the beautiful scent of them and kept it on the window sill before bed.

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