Chapter Twenty Seven

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                  "How did we let them talk us into this?" Haruhi mumbled, glancing at her new outfit. Her fresh black feathered hair cascaded around her shoulders. I rolled my eyes and sighed, "We didn't really have a choice." She bit her lip in annoyance, possibly thinking about all the yen she has in debt right now. I held the skirt of my uniform down, "Ugh, it's too tight." Honey grinned up at us. "It'll be okay! It was so easy to sneak in. And wearing this uniform, I really look like I'm in elementary school." He looked like elementary schooler from the start... I guess whatever floats in his mind really sticks to him.

I skeptically investigated his uniform. They were a dark shade of green and an occasional couple of white stripes etched into the sleeves. Golden buttons rolled down the torso and a simple bow was knotted just below our throats. "Yeah, you do." Haruhi answered, "I can understand why they wanted you to wear an elementary school uniform, I mean, we are sneaking into an elementary school and you totally fit in senpai. What I don't understand is why they made Willa and I dress up in middle school uniforms." Haruhi and I wore brown uniforms. A brown tuxedo like top with matching skirts. "Why do we even bother with disguises? We stick out like a sore thumb." I muttered. Realization hit me like a boulder, this wasn't a disguise... This was for the boys very entertainment. We could have waltzed right through the doors if we pleased. The double doors creaked open behind us as we peered out towards the hall way ahead of us. I twirled around to face the door, sending daggers towards the boys mentally.

"This way, Haru Chan and Will Chan!" Honey cheered, looping arms with Haruhi and I. Once we reached a classroom door, Honey got excited, "This is it! Shiro Chan's classroom. When I was in elementary school, this was my classroom too!" I frowned, how did any of the staff not know Honey was here impersonating a student? Surely, most of the teachers here from his grade school days still teach today. I just shook off the thought, "There's nobody here." Haruhi announced, glancing around carefully. The desks were completely lifeless, facing an empty chalkboard. It was almost as if it wasn't a real classroom anymore. Abandoned. Dusty. "So the kids classroom is empty is it?" Tamaki said dissatisfied with our note. I gaped at the boys as they casually waltzed into the room, uncaring if anyone saw them. "This brings me back." The twins say bored.

"You guys are manipulating jerks!" I say, making my way towards the group of boys that just walked in. The twins smirked mischievously, "You knew." Kaoru started, "and yet you still put the uniform on..." Hikaru finished. I felt the biggest amount of life I had drain from my face, "Excuse me a moment," I mutter, stumbling towards a dark, shadowy corner. I let my butt hit the floor, bringing my knees to my chest, "What have you done!" I heard Tamaki screech. "You agreed to it." Kyoya retorted to him simply. I felt my body rock as I mumbled to myself, "It's all too much. What's even real anymore? Who are you people?" Footsteps pounded towards me, yet, I hadn't made any effort to move, "You broke her! You dark, evil, insolent, shady twins!" My brother yelled. Another set of feet crossed toward us, "Willa?" It was Hikaru. I could tell by his voice that he was surely feeling guilty.

              "Better?" Haruhi asked, she was just finished with shushing the boys. "Yeah, sometimes I just need to be in Tamaki's little corner. Now I know how he feels when he's in it. Pretty dark ya know?" She stifled a laugh. I looked at the boys, "They only wanted to see us wear these for the hell of it." She scoffed, "Figures." The sound of expensive shoes clapped against the tiled school floor, luring near us. Almost at once, we all dove under the desks. It probably wasn't the best hiding places since it was clear we were under them. I huddled into something warm as I hid, expecting Haruhi to be right next to me. I was wrong, "Wh-" His hand quickly clasped over my mouth. "If the teacher finds us." Hikaru started with Kaoru finishing, "we'll have a hard time explaining why we snuck in." Hikaru's breath was heating my ear as he spoke. Haruhi did her best to shush everyone, "Shut up guys." Everyone looked at her in shock, "She said... shut up." I grumble to the boys. Haruhi gave a nod of approval. Hikaru held me close to his chest, "So... adorable..." He uttered slowly. I didn't dare look at him as Haruhi rounded the corner of the door and searched the hallway, "It's alright, he's gone." I stood up my spot and gently brushed Hikaru's arm off of me, "But you guys, we came here to get the scoop on Shiro. So what do you think we should do know?" I held my index finger to my chin, he had to be around the school somewhere. Maybe an alternative class. Or even a private lesson, they had lots of those in the schools out here.

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