Chapter Twenty Eight

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        Tamaki hastily threw Shiro onto one of the big couches, I could tell frustration was taking a great toll on my usually bright brother, "What is your problem, you big idiot?!" The small boy snapped, sitting upright. Tamaki held his arms over his chest, looking bigger than he already was. He threw his arms down angrily before looking at Shiro, "I'm sorry, but, you're the idiot!" His face was clouded by his irritation towards the boy who had fooled us all. I just stood, watching my brother finally come to his senses. It was obvious that even he was getting frustrated by how people were treating him. Though, Tamaki liked to portray himself as one for an act, he was no idiot. He figured people out easily, I admired that. My brother looked down on the boy, as Shiro gasped at his anger, "You said you wanted me to teach you how to make women happy. But that's not it, is it? You're not concerned with the happiness of just any woman. You've got your sights set on one woman in particular. You only care about one, and that's Hina Kamishiro!" Tamaki's words struck the boy as if he wasn't expecting anyone to know about his little crush. I would be surprised if his classmates hadn't known. The boy stared at Tamaki in half awe and half shock, "I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help you with that." Tamaki began again, "Listen, Shiro, I know that I told you, it's the job of a host to make women happy. But when you care for someone, you must find the courage to express what is in your heart! You have to tell her how you feel about her! You didn't come to me looking to be a full fledged host, you want to be a full fledged man..." I smiled at Tama's words, he always knew what to say when it was necessary. Most of the time, no sees it coming but let me tell you, when it happens, you realize how wrong you are about being alone in a situation. Shiro slumped forward on the couch, "It doesn't matter anymore, I've run out of time." I stepped closer to him, maybe he'll listen to me now that he's most vulnerable, "That's where you're wrong, Shiro." He looked up at me in confusion, his questioning look guided me to go on, "She may be moving away but that doesn't mean you've run out of time. You can still see each other, and write to one another. Even so, you still have now. She still waits for you until she leaves." I sat beside him as tears brimmed his deep eyes, "I just... I just wanted to hear her play before she left for good, that's all..."

I set a hand on his shoulder and glanced at Tamaki. He looks up to you, you know... You can teach him what you've taught me, how to love. How to play the piano and pour you heart out. With that, Shiro and Hina could share the moment together, pour their hearts out on the keyboard. That's when she'll know how he feels and I have a feeling it will be the same for him. Tamaki looked at Shiro thoughtfully, "That piece you played, it's Mozart's sonata in D major for two pianos, isn't it?" With that, he made his way over to a masked object, a blanket hanging around it like a veil. It was almost like a separate room. Both Shiro and I gasped, both for different reasons. I wish I knew that piano was there... The protection blanket was torn away from the beautiful instrument, letting the glossy black surface become a memorizing piece of art. I inhaled the scene, imagining the day of our grand party and the days Tamaki was teaching me how to play it. His hands gripped onto the keyboard cover and lifted it, his eyes glimmered at the shiny black and white keys, taking a seat before them and resting his hands on them. I ignored the small chit chat between Haruhi and the boys, pressing towards Tamaki and sitting beside him, he let his hands move over so that I could play the second piano's part. I grinned to myself as my fingers fled across the keys and moving in-sync with Tama's. My heart was flowing with happiness and stress relief as we played. I could guess that Tamaki smiled for a light moment but his face become serious with determination. The sounds of the piano were vibrantly dancing around the music room, out of the corner of my eye I knew Shiro and the others were gaping at our playing. Sure, everyone's seen us play but they've never seen us accompany each other in a piano duet. This was one of the first songs Tamaki taught me other than the one on the plane. I begged him to play with me because it brought us closer just doing so.

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