Chapter Twenty Three

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         Yesterday was just another emotional day at Ouran High. Not just that but Ouran's finest, the host club. When was there not drama happening with us? Renge spent the rest of the day with me, pulling up new plans to keep my mind off of Hikaru, the one who said he meant nothing of what he said but hadn't given me a reason why. "Willa Senpai, you're so lovable and sweet that not even Hikaru would be able to handle losing you." She said as we swung on the swings. We went to the park closest to the manor so that she could drop me off once it got darker out. It was hard to believe that all of the advice she was giving me was coming from the nuisance herself. Maybe she wasn't a nuisance at all... Just misunderstood.



"Do I have a chance?"

"With Hikaru? Of course you do. He may have said he didn't but I can see that he loves you." That sent my heart racing.

Later that night, I played piano again. I belted out the words as loud as my lungs let me. I was determined to be rid of this burden I like to call, falling in love. I fell head over heels for that boy and now I had to deal with the consequence of being confused. I knew Tamaki was watching from behind me. He was listening to every word that fluttered from my lips. He knew I was scared. I was scared to fall in love. I didn't want to go through what my parents had. The piano seemed to feel my emotions too. It sounded so sad under my fingertips. No matter how sad I was, I refused to cry. I needed to toughen up and I couldn't deny that. Do you realize what you do to me Hikaru Hitachiin?

Today, it was raining out. The drops pounded against the limo furiously. I could care less if I got drenched from it. Tamaki didn't say a word this morning and I couldn't help being thankful for that. I was lost in my own little world at the moment. I was torn between saving my relationship with Hikaru and saving the twins relationship with one another. Of course, their relationship had to be fixed by them, not me. I fear that if I even tried to help them that it'd only make their problem worse. Everyone had to hurry into the school to reach the dry indoors. I took my time walking to it. I told Tamaki to go ahead and make his way to class but e refused to take our umbrella for himself. Big brother, he's so selfless.

The twins weren't even in the classroom when I got there. They usually waited for me outside of the classroom door with their smirks and dazzling gold eyes. I guess they really hadn't sorted out the argument yet. "Still?" Haruhi questioned. She even gave me a sympathetic look. I was contemplating on whether I should change seats to sit with Haruhi or now until a voice casually spoke, "Hey Haruhi, good morning." It wasn't Kaoru, his voice was a little deeper. My eyes wandered to see him. At first, I didn't really wanna look at him at all. Now, I really wish I didn't... Or maybe it's funnier that I did. I buried my mouth in my hand, holding in any laugh that threatened to exit. Oh my gosh, he's really taking the "homosexual" thing seriously... "Hikaru," I try my hardest to keep a straight voice, "What happened to your hair, why is it dyed pink?" Haruhi asks him. "Cause pink suits me." He says. I laugh, "Honey, on a scale to one to ten, you passed ten and hit DAMN." It was so freaking bright. I bet Kaoru pranked him with pink hair dye he just won't admit to it... "Don't you think it's cute, from now on I'm the pink haired twin. I didn't wanna be mistaken for that Kaoru for the rest of my life, you know?" He was mostly talking to Haruhi, completely pushing aside my joke.

"Hey there, Willa." Kaoru greets as he walks up our desks. Hikaru's eyes seemed to darken at his voice. Boy, these two were going all out. Kaoru's hair was a bright ass blue. "Why..." I mutter under my breath. Why were they doing this? Just because they are fighting? "So, Kaoru's the blue twin?" Haruhi says from her spot before glancing at me nervously. I just shrugged as Hikaru took his seat next to me, "I was finally able to sleep all by myself last night. But I ended up having a nightmare. I dreamt that my stylist had dyed my hair pink. It was so garish and ridiculous looking that I woke up screaming." I just stared at the blue haired child, "Oh wow, what a difference..." I say sarcastically. His hair was just as bright as Hikaru's. One looked like a flamingo and the other looked like a goddam whale. Kaoru took the other seat beside me laughing to himself. But before he could fully take his seat, it was swept from under him and pushed away. I looked at Hikaru with one of my menacing glares. Before I knew it, Hikaru and his chair tilted away from me and his body fell to the floor. "So childish." I say, pulling out the papers from my bag. As funny as this was, I had to stay strong and avoid their stupidity. I didn't need to catch it. Air brushed my hair from side to side.

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