Chapter Eighteen

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    Tamaki begged to drop me off, "Please, it's dangerous out there..." He said over and over again until I finally closed the front door, leaving him to pout behind it. I almost felt bad for shutting the door on Tamaki but I wanted to meet up with Hikaru on my own. I checked the paper multiple times to make sure I was right on the directions I was taking. The moon was beaming down on the plot of land the manor rested on. Of course the directions weren't very helpful but I still managed to follow the street names and turns as well as I could. The streets were empty for the most part which almost made me regret coming alone. I guess a car would have been smart. I tugged the sleeves of my jean jacket down to cover my chilled hands. "I wonder how much further I have..." I pulled the crumpled piece of paper out of my bag and searched the words. My eyes flew between street signs, "A left turn... then head straight." Okay... easy enough. I was almost there. Luckily, he chose a place that was close to the manor.

Thunder rolled in the distance. Of course it would... Why wouldn't it come at the wrong time? I frantically looked around to find any places I could take cover in case it started raining. I did see a few but that wasn't what stopped me in my tracks. It was the hooded figure staring at me from the large crosswalk. My breath was trapped in my throat. For a second I thought it was my- hah! I shook my head in irritation. Just as I gained concentration the figure was gone. It was as if it never existed. I would have heard his footsteps if he ran. Besides, where would he have gone in such a short time? He was in the open. "Hey," A voice spoke, causing me to spin around and slam my arm into his face.

"Oh my god!" His hand cupped his face in pain. I rubbed my arm nervously before picking up his face in my hands, "When the hell did you become the she-hulk?" My fingertip drew close to the newly forming bruise right under his eyes, "I'm so sorry, Hikaru." His eyes softened at my worry before taking my hand in his own, "Remind me not to play fight with you in the future." I guess I had gotten stronger. I wasn't sure how but the muscles were definitely there. It did make me laugh to see Hikaru's reaction. But, if anything I was relieved. He gave me a sparkling smile, "Ready to see our meeting place?" I nodded my head excitedly, "Yes!" He grins before kneeling to the ground, "Hop on my back." I cocked my head to the side, "Eh?" He let out a throaty chuckle, pointing to his back. I reluctantly clung to his back.

It almost felt like I was flying. Just a little bit rockier. I wonder if that figure was really there. Is so, who was it? Would they continue to follow me around? Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me. My imagination has been growing strong lately and it's pretty unfortunate that it had to play tricks on me while I was conscious. It was all until he started running that I was perfectly calm and happy, "What are you doing?" I yelped to him. I just knew he was smirking considering he didn't say a single word. Shady twin! Nonetheless, my heart the was still pounding for him. Can you feel my heartbeat, Hikaru? I wonder, do you feel the same? I guess I'd get my answers soon enough. Patience Willa... I clung onto his hoodie tightly, "Close your eyes." He muttered to me, still running might I add. It took all my might to squeeze my eyes shut. The only thing I could hear was the breeze blowing into my face and his panting. Gosh... I'm so happy.

"Okay..." He finally spoke, breathless from all the running. He came to a full stop and set me onto my feet. His hands pressed against my face, "Just follow my lead," Was all he said before moving forward. I felt like I was going to fall if he didn't cling to me for support. "Alright, on your knees." He said softly, "WHAA-" 

"Not like that! Jeez, I'm not that shady..." Says the one who was willing to lick me to get to a damn cookie... I sat on my knees, it felt soft. "Open" With that, his hands uncovered my eyes, leaving me gasping at the sight. The city lights flickered peaceful from the distance, the waters not far behind it. We were resting on a grassy hill, lit up lanterns creating a path from our seating back to where we must have walked in from. It was beautiful. "Oh, Hikaru..." His hand flew to his neck, "It was nothing really." Yet, a proud smile still played at his lips. He set a black woven basket between us. Where was that? I curiously watched him open it and out came two popsicles, "I... I thought maybe eating sweet popsicles would make the view ten times better." He said, blushing lightly at his idea. I pointed the to the basket confused, "How... How did those not melt?" He pulled out a couple of ice packs. That explains everything... He chuckled at my dumbness before handing me a popsicle. We gazed at the city, enjoying popsicles for a long while. The silence taking over the moment. My heart was still racing. "Hey will?" I glanced over at his lit up figure. He was still looking over the hill.

"I'm always going to protect you..."

I scooted closer to him. My words were stuck in my throat. He was so determined to keep me safe and that was very clear. He proved it today when he and Tamaki went after that guy at the set. I guess I could thank Renge for bringing the truth out. His face turned to me. It was such a quick movement, I almost had whiplash. His hand grabbed onto my arm, tugging me into him, "Stay with me..." He mumbled into my hair. I looked up at him. For some reason, I had to face him. It was as if there was a magnet on my face pulling me towards his lips. He lifted his hand onto my cheek, pushing away any strands of hair. I closed my eyes as he leaned his lips towards my own.

Excitement flowed through my veins as his lips moved rhythmically against mine. I pulled away first. Not because I hated it but because I wanted to look into the eyes a little bit eyes, "How is it that I get lost in your eyes so easily?" My eyes searched his for the answer. All I saw was myself. I couldn't understand how I could see a reflection off of his eyes when the lights weren't strong enough for it, "From the look you're giving me, you found what you were looking for." He said. How did he know what to say? He knew what made my heart melt and made my mood brighten.

I pushed my lips against his again.

Is it possible to fall in love at first sight? To see yourself in that person's eyes without the help of any light? Is it possible to see the world disappear behind you when they kiss you? I guess I knew my answer. The proof was captivating my heart at the very moment that our lips were locked together. When my body flattened against the blanket and his lips reverted to my neck. This time, the sounds escaped my mouth as he did so.

Mom, I'm no longer lost. I found my knight in shining armor just as the stories said. Don't worry, I'll be careful.

The stars twinkled across the sky. It was a beautiful night. A night I wouldn't have changed one bit. Tugged the blanket over my shoulder. He planted new kisses to my cheek. Nothing happened of course. After a round of deep kissing and light teasing we just lay under the stars. The night was completed with his fingers brushing through my hair and my face buried in his chest. The breeze wasn't too chilly. His chest vibrated from under my head. He wasn't speaking. No. He was humming. The tune that I sang the night of the party. It sounded sweet when he hummed it. It was almost a lullaby to my ears.

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