Chapter Eleven

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It was utter hell getting up this morning, Tamaki awoke me with the back of his hand pressed against my forehead, "Oh, Princess..." He sighed, walking off. I lifted myself up and let my back press against the bed's frame. He came back, a wet rag in his hands, "Maybe you should take today off." He said worriedly. I frowned, "But, I don't want to ruin my perfect attendants." It may sound weird but, I only wanted the cookie the school gives students that have amazing attendants. I wanted that cookie... He gave me the look of determination and pushed me to lay back down, "You need to be home, resting." The wet rag pressed against my forehead. It was refreshing and cool. Did I have a fever? I guess I wouldn't want to know. I groaned, "What am I supposed to do all day long?" He looked at me dumbfounded, "Sleep." Just sleep? I had to be doing something. I guess I was a little lazy to get out of bed and change. I would probably whine all day if I went to school. My head was killing me and my face felt warm. Not a comforting warm, a pressure feeling, "My bad streak is never ending..." I mumble. I could hear him chuckle lightly, the curtains closed once again, "We'll all check up on you later." He said, a smile rode across his face,as always. I huffed and let my cheek dig into the pillow. Tamaki's favorite cologne was stained into it. I didn't mind it, but it brought thinking about Hikaru's, it was sweet and almost mysterious. I shook the thought away and closed my eyes. I knew Tamaki had left by now and was on his way to see the boys and Haruhi while I was bored. I forgot that I stayed in Tamaki's room last night, it explained the different scents and looks. My eyes mindlessly wandered the room, which was pretty dark but comforting.

They landed on a certain picture frame. It was a picture of Tamaki as a little boy and a woman figure stood beside him. Her blonde hair cascaded around her face. She was beautiful... I could only assume that she was his mother. I stared at the picture for a few minutes, I learned that she was very sick and lost Tamaki to his father's mother. It made me sad that Tamaki had to feel such pain at a young age. It was another thing we had in common. I sniffled due to my stuffy nose and pulled the blankets over my head in a hood-like manner. I hope that I don't suffer too long. I closed my eyes. Was I willing to close them again? Perhaps a nap would be fine.

I wasn't as scared as I used to be to experience the horrific dreams because I knew that's all they were... dreams.

My eyes fluttered open, the rag became too hot on my forehead so I tossed it onto the floor. Damn this fever... I sat up in Tamaki's bed. The room was enveloped in darkness. I sneaked over to the window and pushed the curtains open. The crescent moon beamed in the sky, twinkling stars keeping it company. I let my elbow lean against the windows ledge. Perhaps, I should go back to my own room. But I was too mesmerized by the fresh and bright moon. How long had I been sleeping? I guess I shouldn't care too much, I felt a bit better than I did earlier. I did notice that Tamaki hadn't come to bed yet. The door creaked open causing me to turn almost immediately, gaining a defensive pose. Who knew whether I was dreaming right now. I wasn't going to take any chances...

"Oh, you're awake!" Tamaki's cheery voice greeted my ears. I exhale in alleviation, "Boy, you really scared me." He gave out a breathy laugh, "You know, everyone's pretty worried about you at the host club." He pushed the door open fully and pushed his way towards me. My gaze looked at the ground, "I really wanted to go today." A hand ruffled up my hair, "Are you kidding me? You wouldn't have lasted the day." He said. Thanks for the motivation... I guess he was right. I ended up sleeping the whole day and I really wish I hadn't. I could have gotten a lot of homework done in the time I was sleeping. I probably would have zonked out a few times during class if I went today, causing a commotion between the twins and I. I didn't want to gain any attention. I mustered up my strength to continue standing next to Tamaki, "So, what happened during the party? Did I miss anything juicy before my performance?" I'd almost forgotten that Tamaki had me wait backstage while he and the others were busy with something. His index finger tapped his chin, "Oh, yeah!" I let him gather his thoughts for a moment before he spoke again, "Haruhi and I got Kanako and Suzushima to fall in love all over again!" I raised an eyebrow, "Really, how?" I wonder how they managed to make an arranged marriage work. His smile grew even wider, if that was even possible... "Haruhi dressed as a girl and talked to Suzushima whilst I talked to Kanako. Together, we brought the two to meet." Wait, what? I held up a hand to ask my question, "You got Haruhi to dress as a girl?" He nodded excitedly. I huffed, "and I missed it because of you!" I screeched. I could see him wince, "I'm sorry..." He said, not exactly as guilty as he might've wanted. I rolled my eyes and gazed out the window again, "The moon's so pretty tonight." I profess. I knew it was off topic but I was too intrigued. He must've looked out the window with me, "It is." The window was fogged up at the bottom and I drew a small heart. Just like at the orphanage.

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