Chapter thirty-two

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          "Hey, Princess. You ready to go home?" Tamaki asked as I stood up from the hospital cot. I rubbed my eyes, dragging the sleep away, "Yes, please." I mumble, landing my feet on the cold floor. The hospital gown didn't help protect me from the chilly air as I pushed the blanket off of me, "I brought you some pajamas to put on so you can cozy up." I nodded and let Tamaki take my hand to a bag on one of the guest chairs. He rummaged through the duffel, "Here it is." He mumbles, pulling up a folded pair of pajamas and sending me into the bathroom to put them on. I could tell by how empty the room had been that everyone else was at school, possible already hosting the club. I longed to be there with them and enjoy a painless day. My throat was scratchy and unbearable whilst my arm was close to the same rate of pain. I wasn't having very much fun... I eased my pajama bottoms on but paused before putting the top on. Just get it over with and be careful with your stitches. I tell myself, sliding the hospital gown off and pulling my pajama shirt over my head. I grit my teeth as the fabric pulled at my stitched skin before gathering the hospital gown and carrying it back to my cot and laying it on the bed.

I turned to look at Tamaki, catching him staring at my reddening arm, "I'm okay, Tama." I knew he hated seeing me hurt as I felt the same. But Tamaki was to elegant to get hurt so it was pretty rare. "I'm just glad it's over. All because of your bravery." I grinned at his words, he saw me as my own hero instead of a small girl who couldn't fight back. I linked my arm with his and dragged him to our limo, "Come on, I wanna go home!" I whined, getting in the car and patting a spot beside me. He willingly sat at my side and stared at the floor, "What's wrong?" I asked, already assuming what it might have been, "I can't believe I ever doubted you." I furrowed my eyebrows, "Don't worry about that, Tama. We have to move on." He waved to the driver into the rearview mirror, "Can we stop at the ice cream shop?"

"Of course!" The driver exclaimed, changing his course on the road. I looked at Tamaki hopefully, "Really?" He nodded, plastering a genuine smile over his lips, "Yes, but we're taking it home. You still have plenty of rest to catch up on before Monday." Even the thought of sleep sounded miserable. I slept all day yesterday. So I wasn't so keen on the idea. I gazed out the tinted windows, watching every all the buildings and trees pass in blurs. It almost made me dizzy just watching, but I was hypnotized by it. "You didn't go to school today," I spoke, not moving my sight away from the window. "I wanted to bring you home." I tsked at his selflessness, "I would have been fine, your education is much more important than a teensy injury of mine." His face hardened from the corner of my eye, "It's not a "teensy" injury. But it was. To me, the injury was just a sign of my gaining of closure. I felt proud to have gotten out of that the way I did and hopefully never have to deal with it again. To Tamaki, it was years and years of bruises. To me, it was a release from those bruises, "I feel like I won a war." I say out loud, "A war that I'd been fighting for a long time, I finally beat it and now I can celebrate my return." I turned to give him a grin. I want him to see I'm okay. Instead of feeling scared for me I need him to be proud, " He shared an edging smile with me just as the limo stopped, "Wait here..." He said, quickly getting out, leaving me in the car. Tamaki came back, two ice creams in his hands, "Chocolate for the little lady and vanilla for me." I cringed at his vanilla ice cream, "That's so basic." I gratefully took my ice cream. "Yet, yours is just as basic as mine?" Oh, true...

Tamaki told me to get in bed as soon as I got home. Well, I went to my room. I covered my legs under the blankets as I sat on my bed and pulled up my violin. "I can finally play you at ease," I tell it as I trace the wood marks and gently set it on my shoulder and grip the bow near the strings. Just holding it gave me a rush of energy. I let my bow hand lower and the sound of a piece was beginning to form. It had a few fiddles to it but that's what brought life to the room I played in. My room lit up with golds and yellows. I was in my own little ballroom again. All alone and free to play as I pleased. The chords bounced off of my walls in excitement and I could feel the air press into my skin as I could feel my body twirl around the empty room. My feet danced in the rhythm. I wasn't much of a dancer, but if you put a violin in my hand I can't stop myself. Finally, people slowly started to appear in my magical imagination.

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