Chapter Twenty Five

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     "Oh, Willa. I really do miss William." I giggled at their longing for my little gender bending. The girls had been whining about my quick decision of being my feminine self today. "No worries, I'm sure he'll come back soon." I admit, pushing strands of hair out of my face just so I could get a quick glimpse of Hikaru. It was silly to do but I did regret trying, his eyes had met mine. I hadn't talked to him all weekend since Tamaki and I were requested a dinner with Grandmother. It was only the second time meeting her, let me tell you, she didn't even show any sign of noticing me the first time around. This time, she was more skeptical. She stared me down, "Why are you so small, child?" I was too nervous to send a retort. As if I chose to be the height I am...

"I'm sorry, Willa. I hate it when we have to visit her." Tamaki regrets. I informed him that it was most definitely not his fault. He did the respectable thing and answered her invitation by accepting it. This is, if she was the one who even sent it out. She probably had one of her servants write the letter and send it all together. The woman was evil.

"I heard you went to your grandmother's over the weekend." Kyoya says, typing away at his laptop. I rolled my eyes, in an attempt to hold in any disrespect I had for her, "Who told you?" Before he could speak, Honey twirled around behind me and set a strawberry in front of me, "Tama Chan has been ranting about her since school started." He said cutely. I sighed and watched all the girls form a wave towards the twins once again.

I couldn't blame Tamaki for being upset about it but telling the other hosts of the traumatic experience may not have been the smartest idea. "The only one who doesn't know it Haruhi. We plan to keep it that way." Kyoya says, sipping from a teacup before placing it back onto the table, "If only we could have kept it from you." I bit my bottom lip in frustration, "I'm glad I know about it. Tamaki isn't going through it alone anymore and we have each other in the end." A smile had tugged at Kyoya's lips, "You truly have a heart of gold Willa Suoh." I tsked at his sudden compliment and stood from my seat.

"I guess I should start making more tea?" He just sent a nod of approval. "Can I help you Will Chan?" Honey asks pleasantly. I've never heard of someone being so excited to help brew tea before, "Sure." I pile on all the teapots that were damn near empty and carried them over to the brewing table, "Honey, would you like to heat up some water? I need to grab some of the coffee packets as well." The small boy skipped his way out of the room, assuming he's grabbing some hot water to add to the teapots.

"Well, look at you brewing up a storm over here." That voice was music to my ears, "Hello, Mr. Trouble maker number two." I answer, reaching to grab a coffee box from the shelf, "Awe, why number two?" I glanced at him before climbing the counter, "Because both of you can't be number one." I growled at the distance between my hand and the box, "Damn shortness." It was so far and yet, I kept trying. A hand snatched the box off of the shelf and pressed against Hikaru's chest.

He helped me down with his other hand, "You shouldn't be doing that, it's dangerous." I frowned at him, "Oh, look who's being over protective." I stick my tongue out at him as his face lit up a bright pink, "Say I'm number one." Huh? I stared at the boy in disbelief, "I'm sorry?" His smirk replaced his embarrassment, "Say I'm number one and you can have the coffee." This is why I didn't ask him to grab it. Because he's SHADY! I tossed my arms over my chest and pouted my bottom lip, "Never."

He held the box over the trashcan that was just inches away from me. Snatch it Willa... Snatch it! I realized that even if I tried to, his reflexes are much better than mine. Yet, I reached for the box as fast as I could. I knew better than to get excited... Because all I got out of that was a big block of air. "You don't want all of our clients to be super tired, do you? They just love Haruhi's commoner coffee." I looked up at ceiling hoping for a miracle. "So, what am I?" I inhaled a deep breath and let it escaped slowly, "Number one..." I mumble under gritted teeth. "What was that? I can't hear you..." I stomped my foot on the floor in attempt to hold in my tantrum, "Number one." I say louder, his face getting closer to mine, "Who is."

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