Chapter Twenty Nine: Part Three!

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      The wine bottle smashed against the rusted wall beside me. I was already on my knees, muffling the sounds with my hands over my ears. Make it stop... "Pathetic." His voice sneered. I thought I had closure from all of this. I guess no matter what I do, I'm always going to be haunted by him. "Please don't hurt me..." I say under my breath. His hand firmly gripped onto my wrist, pulling me to my feet roughly, "Why not?" I gasped, watching his fist lift up. Just as his hand was about to collide with my face he disappeared into thin air. He was back in the dining table with his newspaper in his hand, sipping a glass of wine, "Daddy?" I say, moving for him. Was it all just a dream this whole time? He slammed the newspaper onto the table before disappearing again. The doorbell rang, causing the panic to rise in my chest. Was he waiting for me on the other side of the door? I hesitantly crept towards the door, opening it just enough to see two men standing, a earthy green bottle of wine gripped in one of their hands. I tried to slam the door on them but the leader's hands slammed his hand against the wooden door and forced it open, "We're back sweetums." My bum fell onto the floor in surprise. I tried to push away from them, "Leave me alone!" I screeched.

It's just a dream... It's just a dream... I tell myself over and over again. As they reached for me, their hands and bodies seem to desolve into thin air, just like my father. I ran out the door, trying to escape what other problems may occur. The beautifully familiar landscape outside contorted into s hallway. I kept running. That's all that I could do... "Come back..." Their voices whispered, echoing off of the walls. I refuse to stop. "You need to be taught a lesson." They'd say. A door lay at the end of the seemingly endless hall of doom. I immediately whipped the door open and closed it behind me. Wind rushed against my face and my feet were touching a cold surface. Huh? I looked down, it was rocky. My eyes loomed over the strange cliff like rock I was on. The ocean was flurry of red waves. The sun was nowhere to be seen. I was surrounded by water, not a single sign of a beach melted away my anxiety. I inhaled and exhaled in panic, where was I? "There you are, little lady!" I whipped around to see three silhouettes make their way towards me. "Leave me alone!" I screamed, backing away from them. I already knew who they were and I was starting to understand where I was. Parts of the rocks broke off under my feet but I managed to keep my footing.

My father was the first to come into the light, "Sweetie, don't you know, it's too easy to let you go." I shuddered, his hand was aiming for me but I moved away before he could touch me, slipping off the edge. This time, I could see the three figures watching me fall with smirks drawn on their faces. I could feel my hair defying all gravity and my legs and arms were motionlessly lifted above my body. My back was once again hit by water, causing the pain to flash through my muscles. Even in the water, I was still falling. It was almost graceful as the pink dress sheltered my falling figure. "You did this to yourself..." A voice mumbled. "You should have been more careful..." Tamaki? My head tilted to see Tamaki standing at the bottom, looking up at me. He didn't look to be having a hard time catching air from under water. He glared at me, "You're pathetic, throwing yourself into trouble and not even knowing how to fight." He scoffed. I'm sorry... His figure evaporated into the water. I wasn't surprised anymore. His words however, ached in my chest.

Arms wrapped around my still body and the ocean scenery was gone, fading into darkness. I looked up at the person. Hikaru. Once again, he saves me. "Hikaru..." I say. "Willa, you're dreaming... You need to wake up..." His words repeated over and over again. I really was dreaming...

My eyes opened wide as I woke up to myself screaming. I might have awoken, but the arms hadn't left. "Willa..." I was in the dark again. But I knew I was awake this time, "H-Hikaru?" A door creaked open, "She's okay, I've got her..." Hikaru says to the person. I curled up into his chest, "Where am I?" I asked, Hikaru looked back down at me, "You're in my room. The one I share with Kaoru." I looked around, noticing a nightstand light dimly lit. Kaoru was sitting up on the massive bed they were sharing, "What's going on, Lil Willa?" He said, rubbing his eyes. I realized I was still shaking, "I... They..." Hikaru narrowed his eyes, "They?" I swiveled my head around to look over the room, "No one's here..." Kaoru said. "How did I get in here?" Hikaru stroked my cheek lightly, "Well, we heard someone running outside, you ran in and closed the door behind you panicking. Kaoru and I tried to talk to you but you backed away from us and fell on your back. You were freaking out pretty bad." I clenched my eyes shut in embarrassment. "You said my name and I thought I was hurting you in your dream." I shook my head and blushed, "You saved me in it, to be honest." Hikaru turned a cute shade of pink and lifted me, carrying me and setting me on their bed. "You can stay in here tonight, we'll do our best to protect you," Hikaru said. He tapped a finger on his chin, "I do have something that might make you feel better though." He said, turning to grab something out of the drawer. Kaoru gasped, "Hikaru, we were doing presents tomorrow!" He quickly slapped a hand over his mouth, he must've said too much.

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