Chapter Seven

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    Tamaki stood on the balcony next to me. A red rose twisting in his hands, he sighed, "So you hit Princess Ayankoji?" Disbelief clouded his eyes. I nodded my head, knowing that I would be dealing with the consequences at this moment, "I've never seen you so angry..." He trailed off, his face tilting down.

"She said horrible things to Haruhi... and threw our things out the school's window..." He hit his fist against the stone railing, "You could've been expelled." He muttered. I wanted to beg him to not be upset with me. I wanted him to smile and not frown in disappointment. I began to sulk, why was being a normal teen so hard? "Haruhi can handle herself, you on the other hand may not be able to." I looked at him, did he really say that? As if I were a child! I walked away, that's all I can do right now. My consequence was Tamaki's disappointment. I feared this day. "Boss?" Hikaru peaked into the door. He peered up at me, "Hello, Willa." I opened the door fully and silently passed him. I didn't want to share the sadness in my voice with someone. He doesn't need to know how upset I was.

"Willa?" His voice echoed the halls as I let my body take me passed the large windows and down the stairs. For some reason, the twins had accompanied us to the manor. I guess they didn't have much else to do especially with their mother working nearly every second of the day. My feet lead me to the outdoor garden. This place relaxed me. A place that my voice would harmonize with the beauty of the flowers. I tugged a light pink rose and held onto it. The rose healed my soul as I stroked one of its soft petals, "You're always my savior." My hand avoided the evil thorns that stuck out of the stem.

There was no doubt that the twins were interrogating my brother by now. Probably throwing questions as to why I stormed out so suddenly, without a word. Little did any of them know, I was used to this. For some reason, it hurt more coming from Tamaki. I continued to sit on a bright patch of grass, letting my thumb graze the red pointed thorn on my rose. A presence greeted my own, "You know, I can't help but relate my life to a rose," I started to say, the body landing next to mine. I wasn't sure who took up the space next to my own, I was too enthralled in my flower, "The thorns are my obstacles, the parts of my life that I wanted to give up. But they'd lead to the beautiful petals, the part where I find a good family. As the petals spread out so does the growth of my happiness." What was I saying? It sounded way too poetic.

A hand held a dandelion in front of the person's face, who I discovered to be Tamaki. He blew on the dandelion, the seeds dispersing from the center. It was mesmerizing watching them fly around the two of us. I knew the twins were making their way to us. I looked at Tamaki, a saddened look took over his face.

"Why such a long look?" I asked him, he twirled the empty dandelion stem, "What did they do to you?" I had a gut feeling he would ask about my family, "I know a little bit from your background but that could be from anyone's mouth." I gazed at the clouds, "My mother was a beautiful woman. So was my father, but my mom got very sick. It was an incurable cancer. We couldn't do anything about it. When she passed away my father changed almost immediately." I picked a petal off of my rose and let the wind carry it away. Tamaki tossed the stem onto the grass and embraced me. His warmth covered my body, "I promise I will protect you from any man... " I take it he was guilty for what he said earlier. "You really can take care of yourself."

"Hey, Willa." Hikaru said, he was looking at the flower in my hand. I decided to bring it with me into the manor after the moment I had with Tamaki. I glanced up at the twin who was peeking into my room from the door. Kaoru's head popping up above his. I stuffed the stem into the vase with the other flowers, "What's up?" They ran over to me almost immediately. A measuring tape folding around my waist and torso and the upper unspeakables... "What the hell!" I yell, attempting to slap them away. They looked at me, unfazed, "We're getting your measurements for the theme tomorrow." They said. I lifted my arms so they could measure my waist, "You guys design clothes?" That doesn't sound right with these two.

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