Chapter Thirty- Four

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"If you can't fly, then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward." 

~ Martin Luther King Jr. 

If I could make a wish, any kind of wish, it would be to savor a moment with all of my friends together just a little bit longer. Of course, no matter how much I imagined that wish happening it was far from coming true. Nonetheless, I got to witness something that wasn't even deemed to be possible. They were all together, which was more than I could ask for. Seeing everyone smiling and meeting was a bonus.  As I should have acknowledged before, I already had a family I just expanded it. 

"I once read of a lovely quote," Bianca said, sitting on the grass before me. I leaned forward to prove to her I was listening over echoing voices in the distance as they marched around with sparklers in hand. Her face lifted towards the starlit sky, a smile hadn't needed to place itself upon her lips, the twinkle in her eyes already showed her happiness. She took in a deep breath as I stared up with her, "For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are not alone." As I silently counted the stars, connecting with one another to create shapes, I admired my friend. "I like that one," I say lightly with a closed-eyed smile, "Spoken by Audrey Hepburn." She admitted, "I wish I could come up with something as clever as that." My eyes trailed from the stars onto her shadowed face, "actions speak louder than words." I recite to her, "you've proved that." Ever since the day we met she was more than just a clever quote, she was a hero. A tint of a blush crept up her face under the moon's light, "I never thought that we'd have the opportunity to see one another again." She breathed, "I knew it was offered to see you again but you never know what may happen." Anything. Anything could happen. She could've been adopted by a family much like mine, out of the country and far, far away. I would have still been happy for her. "The unstoppable duo." I agreed with her, we kept the girls who came with her on their path of hope. They didn't seem to mind so much that they were here, happy even. As I watched the twins tumble down the hill booming with undying laughter, "So, Kaoru?" I couldn't help the baby smirk that threatened my lips. I already knew her face was a tomato by now, "It was just a dance." She mumbled in embarrassment. 

Just like me, Bianca had never truly been in love. But I was almost sure that I wasn't the only one who fell for a Hitachiin twin. "Whatever you say." I teased, getting up with a huge stretch and rubbing of extra grass and leaves that clung to my legs. We all managed to change into something more comfortable for the beautiful weather once night began to fall. No one wanted to roll around in humidified grass and dirt while wearing their best. "and if we were to have a... thing." She called to me as her footsteps grew heavy towards mine. She paused beside me catching her breath, "it wouldn't work out if we're in two different countries." That would be hard indeed. I made a slow walk towards the boys, "That's just something you will have to take with a grain of salt. Get to know him and become a duo before you think about starting a relationship." She agreed, pulling a sparkler out of a fresh pack and passing me one, "He seems very generous." She spoke lighting her sparkler and lighting mine with hers. I couldn't agree with her more, "Very."

Bianca and the other girls left two days after that. Within those two days, Mr. Suoh came home. 

"Oh, Willa. I apologize for taking so long getting home."  He brought me into a bone-crushing hug. Something tells me that Tamaki brought up my kidnapping to his father. It was hard to believe all that had happened within a few weeks. Who would have thought that teenagers like us were able to handle situations such as the day at the beach and my unwanted reunion? I feared what the next objective would be. My father was sentenced to American prison for life so what else was there to be scared of? Life was great at the moment and I knew that good times never lasted forever. "I'm glad you two are safe."

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