Chapter Fourteen

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       The rest of the night was silent for me. I stood looking over the balcony of my bedroom, channeling anything sort of thoughts. I was thinking too much, I just needed something to distract me from the current ones I was going over in my head. I wanted to facepalm myself to wake up from my mind, "He... kissed me..." I whispered, my fingertips touching the aching area on my face. My lips were sore. I couldn't be too surprised, it was my first kiss after all. Heat crept up my neck and onto my cheeks. Will we ever have that again? Share something so memorable? Perhaps I shouldn't let myself become too excited. I didn't want my first kiss to break my heart for being so stubborn as to being over excited that it might conclude to just a friendship. Just thinking about it being just a friendship made me flinch.

The dark sky was dotted with stars and every once and awhile there would be a gray cloud swiftly moving amongst the shared sky. I inhaled the beauty. The moon was a full moon tonight. I always had this thing where, if were to catch the moon being full, I'd make a wish. I closed my eyes, letting the air brush against my face, "I want this to be forever. A family. A love. Friends." I hoped I wasn't being too greedy with the small list that carried a huge weight of what I could only guess would come with a price for having.

How could a life this incredible not come with a consequence? I opened my eyes once more to see that one of the clouds had begun to cover the moon. I wasn't the only one being greedy with the moon tonight... I sighed, pushing off of the railing and moving back into my room, closing the balcony doors and swishing the curtains in front of it.

I was little afraid to sleep tonight. I wasn't ready to have my reoccurring night terror. I wonder if that's the consequence I get. A memory of my past. I pushed my sheets so I could tuck myself into them. The puffy sheets encased me into it's warmth. I sighed in relief. Letting my body numb. I reached over and flicked the light off. Darkness took over my room. It was somehow peaceful.

"I can't wait to see you soon..."

I yawned, walking to the clubs meeting room. I had my dream stuck in my head this morning. Even during class I was mindlessly flipping through the textbook, thinking more about the only words that I could remember from my dream. It wasn't scary. There wasn't anything around to be scared of. Just a silent cube of darkness. But a sentence caused shivers to roll down my spine. I can't wait to see you. Well, that was reassuring... The voice was muffled and unreadable. Meaning, I hadn't the slightest clue who was speaking to me.

"Another Nightmare?" Hikaru said from one side of me, "Yeah, you seem overly tired..." Kaoru finished. I shook my head, "Nope." Well, I was overly tired but they didn't need to know that. "So, what's the theme for today?" I asked, preparing for the worst. They stood in front of me, halting my walk to a stop, "Today," Kaoru began, with an obvious smirk. Oh no... "We're going to be wearing kimonos!" I relaxed a bit. That's not a bad theme.

"I'm sorry but..." I spun around slowly in front of the tall mirror of the changing room, "Where in this entire do you put the word 'traditional'?" Of course, the large ribbon on the waist that supported some of my stomach and knotted into a bow on my back may have been the only major traditional part of this outfit. Other than the overlap of fabric on my chest, flowy arm sleeves and some unique details on the kimono. I guess it followed a lot of the traditions. But I was barefoot and the red and black flower tainted fabric only reached above my knees. An anklet hung on my ankle, a small chain leading to a toe. "Well, we thought that you could be our modern day kimono model," Hikaru said from beside me. I sighed. I guess I would rather just brush it off.

I brushed passed Hikaru, knowing that was still smiling at the outfit he and his brother chose for me. I really wish I could start choosing them myself. "Wait," He said rushing up to me, "here." A stick was placed in my hand. I unraveled the delicate black lace that transformed into a fan, "This is so pretty." I say, taking in every detail etched into it. He straightened up the large rose choker that clung to my neck, "I've seen prettier." He mumbled. I looked at him, "A prettier fan?" He just shook his head. What was he on about? Was he talking about- nah...

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