Chapter Twelve

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        I was finally back in school. The only problem was that today was something everyone called physical exams. I spent all day yesterday boredly writing at my white polished desk. Crimson roses rested next to my productive hands. I guess it wasn't too boring, I did get to write to my friends. Explaining to them the crazy adventure it's been living with the Suohs and being friends with the host club members. I didn't dare tell them about the moments that Hikaru and I shared. I wanted those to remain special to just me for now.

It was kind of strange but Bianca seemed to be taking a fancy to Mori senpai in our letters. She always asked how he was and whether or not his stoic barrier had started to fade away. It was strange. She hadn't met the guy but she still seemed head-over-heels for him.

I sighed at my letters as I put them into the mailbox, wondering when I'd get to see my ever so determined Bianca. I shut the mailbox and ran to the limo, not wanting to be late on my first day back.

"You're back!" The twins hollered, tugging me into a group hug. I nestled my face into their well designed uniforms, taking in their scents. What I didn't understand was that they both wore very different cologne from one another. However, I knew which one was Hikaru's. It was the same exact cologne that he wore at the dance. It was hard not to be overtaken by ecstasy with it. I couldn't tell you why my feelings were sky high every time I saw him. If anything, they grew more and more with every little thing he does...

My thoughts were drawn away as the boys released my grip. No come back, Hikaru... I think to myself. I mentally scorned myself. I could let my heart get the best of me anymore. Especially not with one of those shady twins... "Are you ready for the physical examinations?" Kaoru asked. I bit my bottom lip out of unease. I was daunted by the idea. We never had any of the sort back in Seattle. Well, I didn't since I was home schooled. I shrugged, "I don't know." I crossed my arms to my chest, I wasn't exactly comfortable with the exams and I don't believe I ever could be. "I've never seen someone so uncomfortable with physical exams before. Well, except Tamaki with Haruhi." Kyoya chimed, walking right up to us. When did he get here? Poof, there's a host member... I didn't give him an answer which gave him the opportunity to give me one, "I have an idea, Hikaru, Kaoru, go to class." I wanted to laugh at his demand to the twins but I stuck with a serious glance to them.

"I wanna hear the plan." Kaoru said, but Hikaru grabbed his arm, pulling him to class taking note of my look. "Let's go, Kaoru." He said. Then they were gone. Poof. I switched my gaze to Kyoya once again. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "I don't suggest telling the others about this, but I have staff from one of my family's hospitals partaking in this exam. I thought maybe it'd help you to use one of the private rooms." He sent a particle of a smile. Was he being nice to me? Maybe this was one of his cruel plans. I furrowed my eyebrows, "At what price?" I ask, my hand placing itself on my hip. He wants something, I just know it... "Oh, nothing." Was all he said before walking off.

All of the students crowded outside of the two double doors that led to the physical exam. I noticed Kyoya and fled to him, "Oh, hello Willa." He said, half cheery half stoic. I could never tell with him. I watched as the double doors opened revealing two lines of people. One women and the other men. Probably nurses and doctors, "Welcome, students." They said together. My eyes widened, "What the hell?"

I watched the twins walk through the doors effortlessly, "Just another physical exam," One stated, "The usual."

Haruhi and I shared dumbfounded looks, "The usual?" We were both confused by the school's ways... Neither of us had experienced such an event. We watched the two twins be greeted by two nurses, "Excuse me, Hitachiin brothers. Please follow me this way to have your height measure."

"Sure thing" They said, hands resting in their pockets. My gaze followed them in an uncertain manner. Hikaru lashed his head to look at me, sending me a quick wink before disappearing. "Mr. Fujioka?" I turned to face another nurse awaiting Haruhi, "I'm your nurse for the physical exams this afternoon." I watched my friend be pulled away by the stranger with a simple okay and a look saying "help me" directly at me. I could feel my heart race faster with each second. Pounding in my ears. Everyone's leaving me... I frantically looked around for any of the host club members. Please... I wanted to hide in a corner until someone found me, "Willa" A voice cracked through my tension. My head twisted to see Kyoya burning holes into my head with his eyes, "Are you ready?" I nodded and followed him to a door. "What about Haruhi?" I asked him causing a glint of light to shine on his glasses. He pushed them up, "Oh trust me, she'll be here. For now, wait here until then." With that, the door flung open and he was gone. I decided to just sit on a bench in the room, waving my feet off the ground. I knew that even if I chose to do my exam along with the other girls I could have the curtains closed, but I'd much rather be behind a door that could lock. A lady took a seat at the desk that sat in the middle of the room, "Well, hello, you must be Willa Suoh." She greeted, "I'll be your doctor for today." I nodded, getting more nervous by the minute. "Will you please disrobe for me?" I reluctantly let her take my measurements and whatever it was she was doing... "Perfectly healthy!" She chirped. Once I was finished Haruhi stepped through the door. She got the same greeting as I did and the same demands. She didn't mind being in the same room as me and I could care less the same. We were in two separate curtains. I was just finishing up on putting my dress back on when I could hear my curtain open and close. "Huh?" I turned around to see a man dressed as a doctor right behind me. He looked almost lost. His hand went over my mouth, "It's not what you think! Just please keep quiet!" My body began to quiver. "Willa!" Tamaki bolted through the curtain kicking the man in the face. His shirt wasn't even buttoned up all the way. I fell to the floor, regaining my self control. It felt like deja vu, I'd experienced that moment before... just not with a friendly voice. "One," The twins spoke, "Good looks that attract the public eye." Kyoya then stepped forward, his body still beneath the shadows, "Two, more wealth than you can imagine." Mori gave the man a murderous look, "Three, chivalry that will never be able to overlook," Honey seemed just as dark, "The hideous wickedness of this world." Tamaki wrapped his shirt around me gently, "That's what makes up the Ouran Host club!" He yelled. "We're here... Watch out!" The boys say together. It almost gave me goosebumps... I kept my arms pulled to my chest. So much for self control... Hikaru crooched in front of me. Luckily I had been fully clothed otherwise this would be awkward as hell...

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