Chapter Twenty Four

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             So there you had it folks, the twins were lying! They brought us all into their petty little prank that made us all worry sick about them. Even Honey was nearly ready to take off their shady little heads. It was terrifying though, Usa Chan's face had matched Honey's perfectly, an evil shadow cast on both of their innocent faces. I hadn't stayed in the room long enough to witness everyone else's faces. I wanted more than anything to ponder about my life in my room. That is just a little segment of how I felt. Now, I was really confused on what was happening. "Hey, Willa!" Two voices called from behind me. Good grief, what kind of trouble are they planning to conjure up this time?

What ever it was, I wasn't planning on staying to be victimized by it. "Wait!" One called out. Their feet sounded like a herd of elephants pounding towards me. No. No. No. The door was just inches away from where I was. I was already running for it. It was so far with the little time I had to get to it. I seriously felt like I was being bounty hunted by these two, like that's how freaky it is to run from them. Two hands grabbed my arms, pulling me backwards into their chests. At this moment, I hated my little legs for not running fast enough, "No, you evil twins!"

"Awe, don't be mad, Willa." Kaoru says, twisting me around to face them. I crossed my arms over my chest, "Give me one reason why I shouldn't" The gave each other a quick glance before looking at me, "Because we're your sexy twins." Aha! 'Victimized'... I put a finger in their faces before they could engulf me in their massive bear hug, "You," I began, "You two gave me the biggest scare ever..." It wasn't a lie, they really did worry me. I thought that our little group was going to be broken up forever, "You should be ashamed of yourselves." It everything I had to turn away from them and begin my stride to the door once again, "Think about what you've done, and then I'll think about being your friend again."

"Okay, I'll call you, my love!" Hikaru yells to me. I have to say, it did make me smile. I really hoped my happiness wasn't obvious.

Haruhi and I decided to spend time at her apartment. We thought it would be a great break from the boys. "Hello, sweetie!" Her father spoke. He was amazing! Mr. Fujioka was a cross dresser. Meaning, he preferred to dress a woman rather than the stereotypical dress of a man. I liked it, he was unique and I felt right at home at their apartment. We spent most of the day talking about the host club and my apparent love interest towards Hikaru. I couldn't deny it. We played games and cooked together.

"Hey, Haruhi?" We were in her room, sharing the mattress and preparing to sleep. Mr. Fujioka suggested I stay the night and Haruhi and I could walk to school together. I didn't mind, in fact, I was excited to have my first real sleepover. She turned to face me, "Yeah?" She rubbed her eyes.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Everything, giving me the experience of having a sisterly and motherly slash fatherly experience. Of course, I have Tamaki but he's usually pretty busy and his dad never comes home. I'd say I had his grandmother but she's wicked. I swear she could be the old lady version of Ursula." I could hear her laugh lightly from her side, "I had fun too, you helped me experience a friendship with another girl." I don't know how we got so lucky, "I thank Tamaki for everything too." I admit, "If it weren't for him, I might have to go to another foster home. Instead, I got to meet all of you and I am so grateful." We talked a lot about the club after that. "You know, I think my brother really likes you." Did she know that? In case she didn't like the idea, I pretended that I only thought he liked her.

"Oh, yeah, I know. You know, I think Hikaru really likes you too."

"Huh, how do you know?"

"He protects you, he actually got jealous when Kaoru tried to feed you. I know this because his face turned red and also, his eyes flickered to you." I decided on not telling anyone I was going to Haruhi's house. I knew they'd all get super jealous and try to find out her address from me. Tamaki knows but I threatened him that I'd tell her about how he dresses up the broom at home as Haruhi and kisses it. He really does, it's creepy as all hell. He didn't ask another question after that.

"Okay, it's time to play which one is Hikaru game!" The twins chanted. I stood behind them, smirking the entire time. Surely, these girls weren't dumb enough to fall for their prank again? "I know," A girl spoke, raising her hand excitedly, "The twin with the pink hair is Hikaru!"

"We have a winner!" They announce, arms out wide. "So are you two gonna keep your wild hair color even though you've made up? It's much easier to tell you apart!" I just started laughing, "Actually," Everyone looked over at me. I just continued to walk up to 'Hikaru', "Who wants a kiss on the cheek!" His eyes went wide and they were searching behind me. He was asking 'Kaoru' for permission? "Awe, don't look so scared, Hikaru. Maybe an actual kiss will make it better..." I drew my face closer to his. I really hope this plan works... "No! No! NO!" 'Kaoru' yelled from behind me. His arms pulled my waist away from his brother. The girls were already squealing at our little skit going on. "What are you doing, Kaoru?" I raise an eyebrow at him, "Unless.... no...." I faked a gasp that looked as real as can be, "You mean to tell me, you're really Hikaru?" I smirked to myself and glanced at the girls, "You see ladies, today Kaoru has pink hair and Hikaru has blue hair. They swapped the colors." I switched my gaze back to Hikaru. Think you can fool me this time? Their eyes had searched one another's before looking back at me. Their faces were blank. Not a single emotion had ridden across them.

This emotionless moment had gotten weird so I decided to sit with Kyoya and share some tea with him, "Ah, haven't seen you sitting at the same table as me in awhile." I smiled lightly, "It's nice to change things up a bit."

"Agreed, Willa Dear. Agreed." He was studying his laptop, which was full of words and paragraphs that I just didn't dare read whatever he was reading so I decided to ask, "What are you researching?" He pushed up his glasses, not sharing any contact with me as he spoke, "I was looking at nice vacation spots for the club, you know summer's coming up?" I thought it out for a bit. Has it already been that long? Wow, a whole year. I bit my lip in deep thought. "You know, the twins have been staring at you since you started sitting here." He spilled. He finally looked away from his research? My eyes met Hikaru's. The really were staring at me, as if they were trying to figure something out. "I must admit, you have definitely changed those boys." Kyoya says. It was such a random comment I was quite sure how to answer to it. They looked phased by something but I'm not sure if I changed them.

I didn't want to change them. Even if the two were the biggest troublemakers of the school, I never wished to change them unless it was to make them happy.

"Someone was finally able to point out which twin was which without any trouble. I believe that is pretty life changing for the two of them." I wish I was able to know whether they were lying or not. It did feel good to think I could possibly be special to them. I was still confused on how no one knew which twin was which. They were different from each other by a long shot. "You're very special." Honey says, setting Usa on the table in front of me. what did they mean by 'special'? "Why do you say that?" I asked, mindlessly fiddling with a teacup in front of me. Honey's bright smile glimmered at me, "Well, you captured Hika Chan's heart. You managed to tell them apart and you made Tamaki and the host club a happier place." He then ran off to jump on Mori's back. Did I really do all of that?

Is it possible to fall in love at first sight? To find your reason for living in an instant? Is it possible to throw away all of the past an gain a happier present? I guess I found my answer to each of those questions that I asked myself everyday. I know you're probably watching over me right now. I like to believe so. I bet you're up there with Haruhi's mother too. I sometimes wonder if you're proud of me. If I've done everything you'd expected I'd turn out to be. Did you bring Tamaki to me? And Hikaru... Did you know that these people would change my life for greater good? I like to think that you saw Tamaki was lonely, you'd point to him and tell yourself that he was the one who would protect me and he was the one I could bring the happiness to once again. I bet you took one look at Hikaru and said "This boy will bring trouble but love my little Willa no matter the cost." I bet you took one look at the host club and realized that your job had been done. I had a family and that's what made you happy. It made me happy to think you were smiling up there. Now, it's my job to make the hosts happy. Their motto is, "All girl's deserve to be happy." Mine was, "Everyone deserves to be happy." I wanted to be their shoulder and someone who could make them laugh.


"are you alright?"

Their voices were in perfect unison. As always. It stopped freaking me out. I know their arms were wrapped around me. But my arms were gripped onto them as well. I guess the relief of them not actually fighting was hitting me. I was happy. I was happy to see them be their old selves. I didn't want them to let go.

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