Chapter Nineteen

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       Is it possible to fall in love at first sight?

Just one glance at his golden ocean eyes could almost piece together the future in my imagination. What if- "Momma?" Huh? "You're dozing off again..." She was beautiful... Her hair was a mess of auburn waves. Even her eyes reminded me of him. A golden hue that anyone would be breathless just looking at. "Lana..." The name rolled off of my tongue so easily, "Mrs. Hitachiin," It was like deja vu, the white coated man stood in front of me, clipboard in hand. His expression was one that had traumatized me in the past, "I'm afraid that type 4 does run in your family and unfortunately, you were the next victim." I'm not ready to leave yet... Little Lana still needs me and so does Hikaru and the little boy that was meant to be born soon.Why did it have to be my family? My face only met the view of my dangling legs, "I will keep fighting for my little girl and for my husband..."

I didn't dare look at him, I knew what was happening and I wasn't sure i'd like it. A hand rested on my shoulder reassuringly just as the nurse peaked through the door, "Doctor, it appears that it may not be a cancer but Guillain-Barre." I didn't have to ask anyone to know what that was. It was just another problem that came from my father's side. Guillain-Barre is where the nerves in your body are damaged and sometimes permanently. This causes paralysis to grow throughout the body. As long as I got to see my little girl grow up I was willing to go through anything for her. "Is my mommy going to die?" She was whimpering and clinging to my arms.

"Willa!" My eyes darted open and my body pushed to a sitting position. His thumb wiped away what tears were on my cheeks. I was crying? "You were dreaming..." I was thankful that was all it was. The only thing that really got me was how that dream could easily be my future... I buried my face into his chest. What a stupid and hurtful dream to have. "I know." Was all I could say. Wait... "What time is it?" I reached for my phone, "Hikaru! My brother's going to kill me!" I darted up and off of the blanket we were laying on. I didn't even have anything to change into. Not that I'd feel comfortable enough to do so in front of Hikaru in the daylight.

"Relax, we'll grab extra uniforms from the costume closet in the music room." We weren't even wearing the school's uniforms at the moment so we'd have to sneak to the music room. We ran as fast as we possibly could to Ouran. I prayed that none of the members caught us in the process, such as Kaoru or worse... Tamaki... I shuddered at the thought of him catching Hikaru and I in the same clothes as last night. If he didn't wait for me to come home yesterday then he wouldn't have known that I was out all night. The thing that worries me about that is what if he was talking to Kaoru all night to see if either of us came home? "Hey, stop worrying, Will. We're going to be okay. His fingers intertwined with mine as we ran. The building came up pretty fast. Even though, we did have to run through town to get to it. I pressed my hands against my knees once we hid behind the outer wall, "Gosh I'm tired..." I mumble under my breath, Hikaru gave me an agreeing nod. It wasn't easy to stay out of view, "There's a window by one of the guest tables, if we are careful enough, no one will see us from the fountain." He explained, peeking over a bush. It made me silently giggle to see him be so stealthy. I only knew the the twins to be the biggest pranksters with loud ass mouths. It was kinda cute to see him so quiet.

"I'll push you through the window, you grab the ladder from the closet." I nodded, awaiting our sneak to the window and the gesture for me to climb his hands and be tossed through the windows. I crashed onto the floor with a loud thud, "You okay in there?" Hikaru whispered from the window. I rubbed my head, "I thought it was going to look cool... How wrong I was..." I hurried to grab the ladder and put it through the window for him to use and meet me in the music room, "Well, thank you princess." He said, seductively rubbing a hand against my cheek with a cheeky smirk on his face. He quickly pulled the ladder back into the closet and shoved me into the costume room, "Hurry, toss me a uniform and change in there when you get yours."

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