Chapter Thirty- Five

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 "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn to let go, things go wrong you so you can appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

~ Marilyn Monroe

I mindlessly picked up an object barely even looking at the labels as I set it into the basket, "Are you okay?" Haruhi asked, bringing my daze to an end. "You grabbed tea instead of coffee." She left it where it was, in case that was what I intended to do in the first place. I gave my head a quick shake before pulling the box out of the basket and setting it back on the shelf, "I'm sorry," I mumbled, "It's just what those girls said about Hikaru and Kaoru." It wasn't upsetting, it was confusing. I didn't see them as anything but cheerful and mischievous. How on earth were they any different before? She eyed all of the instant coffees, inspecting each label for the familiar one she gave to the club. "It was definitely a surprise to hear." She made a sound of triumph setting the coffee in our basket. We decided to grab some snacks for a potential movie night later. I was excited to be somewhere that wasn't school, a hospital or home. It was just going to be us girls and the only one who'd know of it would be Tamaki. Anyone else and the whole apartment would have an unwanted party. "I can't really picture them any other way than they are now." She said, standing straight and heading for the cash register. "I suppose Hikaru may be a little different since you two started dating. He's not as interested in our clients anymore." Heat crept up my cheeks. I didn't want to take him away from something he loved to do. I piled our findings onto the conveyer belt. What Haruhi had said left me to ponder. Had I really changed Hikaru that much since we started to date? He and Kaoru were still unbearably mischievious. I was sure the cashier spoke the payment amount but her voice was drowned out by my scattered thoughts. Haruhi pulled out some money and that was when I shot forward, "Please, allow me." I tugged out my own cash I saved up. The cashier took the money with no reaction except, "Have a nice day." 

I forced my legs to walk out of the store, "What's up with you?" Haruhi asked from beside me. We both had a large brown paper bag, hers being the snacks for later and mine a load of instant coffee for the impatient hosts. "You know what? I'm not really sure." A hint of a smile ghosted her face as I let my stress fade into the lovely scenery. Might as well enjoy it while I have it. Birds were singing and the trees waved against their harmonious song. The wind whispered into my ears and I almost forgot what I was over thinking for a second. I hummed to the birds' choir and let my eyes close for just a moment. Unfortunately, it was the wrong time to let myself relax, my feet slid from beneath me causing my heart to lurch into screams of terror. My legs swept from under me and as I expected there to be a loud thud, there wasn't one. Arms cradled my body close to someone's chest and for an instant, I thought it was Hikaru. My eyes met with beautiful hazel ones as the contents of all the instant coffee smooshed against my chest. Her smile was off, it wasn't lazy. It gave off this cool gaze that the twins would give off when they were messing with someone. 

"Pardon me," I whispered as my gaze never left the lady's face that looked almost angelic with short brunette hair framing it. She gave off a motherly vibe as she set onto the sidewalk carefully, "It would be a shame if any harm came to your face, little lady." My eyes widened as I gathered the bag closer to me and sent a nervous glance to my friend who stood behind me without a single word, "Thank you, Miss-" 

"Benibara" She cut me off so elegantly I could hardly consider it rude. "Nice to... meet you," I said, trying to find any other words to form. Of course, I was failing at fueling a conversation. "Oh, you ladies are from Ouran Academy. Lovely, would you guide me to it." Ladies? Oh fiddlesticks! Haruhi's cover had been blown before she even made a sound. My eyes flickered between the strange lady and my friend. "Oh no, he's a boy." Did I sound so sure? How could I lie to someone so... angelic? Benibara's lips curved up just a hint more, "Don't be silly." She dragged her arm across my shoulders and did the same with Haruhi. "Don't you worry, I'll keep it a secret for now." For now? Oh dear...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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