Chapter Five

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      Tamaki held the large door open for me, "Welcome to Ouran Academy, my dear princess." My legs were shaking like a scared dog. How do I not get lost in this god forsaken school? "I don't think I can do this Tamaki..." I mutter to him, my eyes darting to every moving being. I left homeschooling for this?! "You'll be fine, just make sure to be friendly and positive" Of course this place would just be about unicorns and rainbows... Tamaki's hand rested on my back slid me forward into the massive school.

I felt pathetic having to be dragged by Tamaki but I just couldn't find the effort to move my own legs. This place was gigantic and it didn't help that everyone here was snobby. Or so they look like they were. My gaze forced itself on my uniform, a yellow tinted fabric that stretched a little below my knees. Poufs formed at my shoulders and the neck was white, giving off a turtleneck effect. I tugged the ribbon that knotted just above my chest. Oh how I hated this outfit. I managed to switch out my white leggings for some ballet flats that had a ribbon twirling around my leg gracefully.

Tamaki led me to my class and stared at me sadly, "I know you're scared but you need to be able to learn your way around the school on your own..." He was right, I did... "Not today though, right?" I asked, a pleading look gathered in my eyes. I didn't want to be alone today... "You don't need to know much, but if anything the boys will help you today and-" He was cut off by familiar voices that seemed to synchronize with each other, "Hey Boss, Willa." They said, getting between Tamaki and I.

Tamaki held in a frustrated sigh, "As I was saying before... The boys will hopefully bring you to the music room after school. That's where the club meets everyday."

"You betcha!" The boys say. Their arms wrapped around my shoulders, "Now, if you don't mind, we've gotta get to class." I wonder if my brother was steaming angrily behind us? "You be careful with my little girl!" He yells at them as I was being guided into the classroom. He was always so furious with them when they became too close to me. I thought it was rather funny since I already knew they wouldn't do anything to hurt me. Not intentionally anyway...

"The teach said that you should sit between us." Hikaru said, deviously.

"Yeah, said that maybe it would lessen our trouble-making." Kaoru added.

"But, quite frankly, I think it would heighten it up a little." Hikaru said, his finger grazing my cheek. I prayed that they didn't notice the heat on my face. If they had, they didn't mention it.

The teacher introduced me to the class. Everyone began to swoon over me. I didn't really know what for. "Its Tamaki's new sister! So cute!" Now I do... "She's just as beautiful as Tamaki described her over the summer!" He told them I was beautiful? Man... That really put a smile on my face. The teacher scolded everyone becoming obnoxiously loud and continued her lesson. Unfortunately, my peace with the lesson didn't last much longer. A foot tapped my own, again and again. I wanted to stomp on Hikaru's dumb foot just so he would stop. I didn't wanna cause a commotion and get set to the principal on my first day. The foot tapping continued throughout the class period and I endlessly wondered how his foot wasn't cramping up.

When the day came to an end, I finally shot up from my seat and glared at Hikaru, "Really? A game of footsie?!" I snarled at him and pulled my books to my chest before storming out of the room, "Hey wait! You'll get lost!" The boys yelled to me. I couldn't care. Just as they had said... I got lost. I stomped my foot on the ground of the school. I wonder how spoiled I started to look today? Two fits in a row. One for not wanting to come and the other for Hikaru touching me... I guess three if you count me getting lost one of em.

I hated this school. I want summer to come back and give me a chance to sing in my room again and sketch pictures of flowers. There wasn't anyone left in the halls so I crawled into a corner and started singing to myself. My head was ducked into my knees and tears began to fall down my cheeks. I always hated getting lost in big buildings especially when it was the first time being here. It felt like everything I had gone through in the past hit me square in the face over and over again. Sitting in the corner like this made it feel even more real. There was a reason why I didn't like being alone and one day I'd have to tell Tamaki that reason. I was afraid that he might already know. If he didn't what would he think of me? I don't want sympathy for my past, I want to grow stronger...

A fingertip erased a tear that froze one my eye, "I didn't know you were such a good singer, Princess." My face met his look of concern. I didn't want him to look at me like that... I don't want him seeing me like this. I quickly rub away my other tears, "I'm not." I mumbled as he pulled me to my feet, "Don't lie to me. It was beautiful..." His face contorted back into his usual smile, "Mind telling me why you were crying?" Of course I did, "Maybe one day, right now I want to ignore it." I admit to him. He was alone with me. All the boys must've been back at the music room. I didn't want to face the twins after my little tantrum. I knew that I had to apologize for being such a brat... Tamaki set my hand on his arm to guide me to the music room, "We don't need you getting lost again." He joked. I couldn't help but stick my tongue out at him.

Tamaki pushed open the door and light immediately smacked me in the face. Oh god... I held a hand in front of my face to block the brightness.

"Welcome," A set of voices spoke together. Once I let my hand fall back to the side I noticed all the boys standing in front of me. Charming smiles rested on each of their faces. I took a step back, "This is the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me..." The twins grabbed onto my wrists, "Awe, come on don't be shy."

"I'm not sh-"

"Let us treat you to some tea."

What the fudge is happening right now? I already knew about the host club, but this was weird... The twins were being too gentleman-like for my liking. They set me into a chair and pushed it into the table.

"Hey Hikaru?" I looked at Hikaru who was pouring tea while Kaoru was setting some cookies on the table. Hikaru looked into my eyes, "Yes Princess?" I took in a breath, "I'm really sorry for throwing a fit earlier... I don't know what came over me..." His eyes stared into mine, a soft glint focusing on me, "You don't have to worry about that, it was kinda funny." His stupid smirk placed itself on his face. For a moment, I felt my eye twitch. "Damn shady twin..." I mutter before taking hold of the cup to sip out of it.

"Oh no..." Kaoru said with a fake gasp, "Boss is really rubbing off on you!" Eh? I furrowed my eyebrows together, "What do you mean?" The twins glanced at each other and back, "You're beginning to act like Tamaki..." Was that really a bad thing? Tamaki has a good heart. Even though he can be over dramatic at.. Most points... I wouldn't mind being like him. Tamaki rushed over to my side, "My princess is acting like me?!" The hearts were drawn on his eyes. Here goes his ego...

"I hear footsteps," Honey said from next to the door, his ear pressing against it. These guys are stalkers too? The door opened slowly as all the guys went back to standing in front of it. Here we go again...

She Will be Loved (Hikaru Hitachiin Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant