Chapter Nine

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    I woke up to a thud in the room. It was pretty loud and it made my body jump. I hid my head under the blankets out of fear, "Who's there?" I say, the room was still dark and creepy. "You left me..." A voice said. I gasp and hid my head under my pillow. Go away... Go away... "You made me leave..." I whisper, hoping he could hear my devastation. A chuckle echoed the room, "No dear, I didn't." They said. I lurched into a sitting position and chucked the pillow where the voice was coming from, "GO AWAY DAMMIT!" I yell out, my heart racing endlessly. How did he find me? How did he know I was in Japan? "Willa, it's me!" A voice screamed. My eyes opened to see the room full of light and a confused Hikaru crouching next to the bed, I was truly sitting up and my pillow was gone. I wasn't sweating or crying like last night but it was still nerve racking. I noticed that the pillow was being clutched by Hikaru, "You started yelling, we all thought you were hurt."

The door was open just a crack, everyone's faces were peeking in. I felt my eyes widen, "I'm sorry..." Hikaru sighed, "Don't worry about it, hey, we have food and all the girls are gone." He held a hand out to me to grab. I accepted. It wasn't everyday that Hikaru was a true gentleman with that stupid smirk written across his face. Tamaki was talking to Haruhi outside of the door, "If you want to live the life of a host that badly then you're going to have to show us how far you're willing to go Haruhi! I order you to master dancing the waltz in one week and you will demonstrate it for us at the party. Or I'll tell the entire school that you're a girl!" Woah... "What's going on?" I asked the twins just as Kaoru joined Hikaru and I. "Oh, Haruhi stole one of Boss's favorites. A host hopper." That girl? "Oh Kanako! Does that really surprise you?" I say to the boys. They shook their heads, "Not at all.." They say. "Hush, Willa." Tamaki said, setting a hand on my head, "I'd like to see you try and impress Kanako..." I frown, "But I don't dress like a guy..." Tamaki stuck his tongue out, "Exactly." Huh?

"I wonder what our little Willa would look like if she were to do what Haruhi does." Kyoya mentioned.

"Yeah, me too!" Honey exclaimed.

"Maybe after the party we can try it." The twins say, wrapping their arms around my waist. I sighed and pushed the two away, "If that happens, it'll be on my own terms." I say, following Tamaki as he pulled Haruhi to a good area to teach her how to dance. Kanako awaited our presence with a smile on her face. Tamaki wandered to a window seat and sat on it, sulikng. The twins watched him, "Why so gloomy boss? "

"I bet it's because he wanted to be the one Haruhi practices with," Hikaru says, "I think you may be right but he's way too tall to stand in as a woman." Kaoru finish. I give Tamaki a hopeful look, "Big brother..." I say sadly. He glanced up at me, his face was gloomy and underneath a shadow. I held my hand out to him, "I don't really know how to dance but I bet it would be fun to learn." The twins jaws dropped, "You could've asked us you know..." They said. I ignored their comments while Tamaki gladly took my hands. "Alright, the first thing to know about the waltz is that the man always leads." He said, resting one of my hands on his shoulder and the other still enfolded in his. His other hand pressed onto my waist. I stared at my feet just to make sure that I wouldn't step on his. Lord knows I've already given the poor guy enough pain. His eyes shifted beside us and then back to mine, "It seems as though someone has taken a liking to you." He said softly. I didn't dare look over to see who he was talking about. I just let my gaze go back to our feet as they matched each other's rhythms. I wonder who he was talking about? Perhaps this person had been obvious the whole time that they might like me but I've been to oblivious to notice. I was pretty good at being stubborn I couldn't deny it. "I don't know how anyone could..." I mumble as he begins to release me, "The real question, princess, is how can anyone not?" He softly let go of my hand and my world became real again. Kanako was sitting at a table a cold pack against one of her cheeks. I almost forgot that the two of them had fallen earlier. The sweet girl was so forgiving and beautiful. I wished to be like her.

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