Chapter Ten

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    I'd been preparing for this moment for a week now. elegantly flowed around my legs. My white lace heels clicked against the pavement as I was being pushed to the back of the school. Tamaki insisted that I not show myself until the curtains opened. Which hadn't made any sense at all in my opinion. Why couldn't I just hang with everyone else until my performance? If I even wanted to perform it... "Just be patient alright? I have something to do before your performance." Tamaki said before heading towards the back of the curtain, "Just hang tight and relax your nerves..."

Once he left I decided to rest on the piano bench and stare at the keys. Each key represented my life. A new chapter started with each key. My finger floated over one of the higher keys, "Just breathe..." I say to myself. My mind wandered off into an oblivion that created a thoughtless wonderland. A single moment broke the state as I closed my eyes, "You're doing this for Tamaki..." I pause for a moment, was I really? Or was it for someone who meant more to me? Someone who my heart recently started feeling desperate for? The song I was performing tonight was a shout for help. Help for me to love. Help to tug me out of my war with my past and rescue me.

Tamaki poked his head into the curtain, "Alright princess..." I didn't even wait for the curtain to open. My fingers pressed the keys effortlessly. Once the curtain opened fully, my voice echoed throughout the hall. Butterflies escaped their pavilion and into my stomach as I sang the sweet and yet determined song. My song must've sounded depressing to others... But I hadn't cared. Please hear me...

Tamaki Pov


I watched as the sound effects played along with my sister. I was back in the crowd. Many were dancing but the rest were staring at the beauty in awe. A bright light had shown on her, eliminating her silhouette. "She can play piano?" Kaoru said from beside me, I let myself smirk a little bit, "I taught her that..." I couldn't stop staring at the light, I was sure that everyone could see the angel wings forming on her back as she sang in her angelic tone. I knew exactly who this song was for. It took her long enough to realize what she needed. Who she needed, "Her voice... It's..." Hikaru could barely finish his comment as his gaze never left my sister. This would be the first time Hikaru didn't have words to describe something. I knew he loved my sister greatly. But I also knew that he was saving the right moment for the right time. Or maybe he was scared? My little princess didn't need any accompanists. It was just her voice and the sweet melody of the piano. Of course a few sound effects came in and out but it was just an extra. I smiled at her. Kaoru and I couldn't help but glance at Hikaru a few times. Better not break my princess's heart.

"Just listen to her..." Haruhi said from beside me. I nodded. She was battling her past and now she needs Hikaru to save her. She tried way too hard to be strong before tonight but I could see her break ever so slightly as her voice raised close to the end. The song's climax brought us all into a trance. Once the song started ending, her voice softened into a stop. I grinned and started clapping. Girls were squealing and the host club was cheering endlessly for our new Queen. I could see Willa stand from the bench and wipe her face quickly. Her head was bowing down, not the kind of bow you'd see after a performance. She was sad. She was stuck... "Oh, no..." I whisper. I could see a shadow pressed past me faster than light. My head and Kaoru's turned quickly to see Hikaru running to the stage. "Did you plan this?" Kaoru asked me, sounding entertained by my accomplishment. I gazed at him, "Clever, huh?" I gave the club a closed eye smile. Honey looked up at me, "But, Tama-chan, Princess Willa is sad now." He let out a worried whimper and I crouched to his level messing with his hair, "I think that her knight in shining armor is almost there. I glanced back up at the empty stage, she must've ran behind the curtains, "Our job as a host club is to make every girl happy." I say.

She Will be Loved (Hikaru Hitachiin Love Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя