Chapter Four

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    We were weeks into summer already

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    We were weeks into summer already. Tamaki was already going out with his friends and I was practicing for my test to get into Ouran Academy. It was a surprise to me that every question that was printed on the post-tests were easy and quite fun to answer.

I felt smart and invisible with these fake tests that Tamaki and his dad cleverly created for me. My earbuds drowned out background noise with the symphony of piano. I was listening to the song that Tamaki used to relax me on the plane. Since I was all finished with the test, I pulled out some construction paper and doodled on it. I drew a detailed sketch of a rose. A simple white rose, much like the one Tamaki gave me the day we met. Now, an entire vase of white and red roses greeted my bedside on the nightstand. Tamaki took me into the garden to collect them.

I tapped the picture above my desk so that I could see it every time I sat at my desk. I set the earbuds on the desktop and made my way to the balcony doors, white translucent curtains were floating as the wind pushed them. It made my room look even more elegant. I grabbed one of the roses out of the vase and wandered out and stared off at the colorful garden. My room faced both the garden and the driveway. My elbows rested on the rail, the rose was twirling in one hand.


My eyes searched for the owner of the voice. Tamaki was standing in the center of the driveway where a long limo was sitting, "Would you like to meet everyone??" My heart began to race to an extent that I couldn't find the breath to speak. Today is the day I conquer my fears and meet Tamaki's beloved friends. I quickly rushed into my room, my white dress flowing gently behind me. I paced my room for about 2 minutes before peeking my head out of my bedroom door. Surely, the boys were already in the mansion by now.

Tamaki stood at the bottom of the stairs, which were right in front of my room, "Hey princess, come meet the club." His hand extending to reach mine. My legs were shaking, how horrible that I was nervous about meeting new people. My hands that were gripped onto the door released their tension and forced me to make my way down the stairs.

"No need to be shy love," Tamaki spoke, "These people will adore you just as much as I do." He grabbed my shaking hand. His face grew worried for a split second. He gave me a reassuring squeeze on the hand and led me to the large sitting room. This room always haunts my dreams, the chandelier would swing in the middle of the night and the rose red curtains would slide on the bar without being touched. I shivered at the thought of being in the haunted sitting room.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet my little princess, Willa."

I heard someone exhale a loud gasp, "Tama-chan... " A little voice began to speak, "She's so beautiful!"

"I agree..." A tall guy spoke.

The little one ran up to me and bowed, "Princess Willa-chan my name is-" I crouched down to his level and smiled, "Honey senpai." I remember that Tamaki said that it was more fun adding the word "Senpai" after everyone's names here. A bright blush crept up Honey's cheeks, "She knows my name..." His excitement only grew. His small arms wrapped around my waist, "I'm so glad you became Tama-chan's sister!" I pet his head lovingly, "Me too."

"Honey, you're hogging our princess!" There was a unison in the voice. I glanced up to the twins staring me down. They gave off an impatient look to the small boy, "She isn't going anywhere." The tall guy, I could assume being Mori, picked up Honey and set him upon his broad shoulders. "Awe..." Honey huffed, his excitement dying down.

The twins leaned in towards me, "Well, hello." They both gave off mischievous smirks. This concerns me a wee bit. Especially when it's in my own house.Tamaki shoved them back, annoyed by their introduction, "Damn shady twins..." He muttered to them.

A guy about Tamaki's height met me just a few inches away, "Princess indeed. I applaud Tamaki for his choice." He pushed his glasses up his nose. I took in his details, he stood long enough for me to be able to do so, unlike everyone else, "You must be Kyoya." I say with a small bow, "It's a pleasure to meet you." That earned me one of his smiles, "To you as well." He bowed back.

The twins blocked Kyoya, "It's not fair that Kyoya and Honey got to have good introductions..." I let out a small giggle. Now, let's see. Devious smile and a more confident stride, "Correct me if I'm wrong, you must be Hikaru and you must be Kaoru." I knew for sure that my answer was correct by the taken aback expressions they gave each other.

"On the first meet..."

"Yeah, what's with that?"

I found humor in their reactions. "Seriously, how'd you know?" Hikaru asked me. I gave them my own devious smirk, "It's a secret," I spoke mysteriously. Two can play at their games. I mean three...

"That's incredible..." Honey said. Why was everyone so surprised by this? Kyoya pushed the boys aside once again, "No one has been able to tell the twins differences so fast. You are an incredible young lady, Willa." I looked at my shoes, how did they think I was "incredible"? They've only just met me.

"So you're making your way into Ouran, I see, " Kyoya asked. I nodded, "Yeah, I'll be a first year." Kyoya gained a devious look and glanced at Tamaki, who's face paled into a pastelic blue. Did the chandelier move again? I gazed at the light hanging from the ceiling. Nope... The curtains? They were perfectly still, "What's wrong, Tamaki?" I asked him as he just stood, completely devastated. What the hell? Two arms snaked onto my shoulders, "Looks like you might be in our class!" The twins chirped. Oh god...

Since the boys had plans the rest of the summer to vacation to other countries, Tamaki and I worked on my tests and went on long walks. We talked a lot about plans for the Host Club and the activities that the club would invest in once school started. I wanted to be part of the club but I knew that a host more than likely had to be a guy and that was what the girls' would swoon over. What if I dressed up as a guy? Maybe not for the school day but club purposes? I thought it would be quite fun. Of cours, everyone would know I was truly a girl but I wouldn't mind it.

I wonder what kind of trouble the twins would put me through whilst being apart of their class? Something tells me I wouldn't want to know their evil plans. I swear those two could be villains.

A knock on my bedroom door knocked me out of my conscience. I accepted the knock and Tamaki opened the door, "I have a surprise for you." He said. His arms were hiding behind his back. "You always surprise me," I say with a small laugh. He just wandered closer to me and rested a small box onto my desk. It was wrapped with a pink paper. A ribbon decorated the top. I tugged on the paper and set it in a pile. A white box greeted me with a sticker on top saying "open me". I lifted the top to find a small electronic in it. Is this a cell phone? I'd always seen these at the malls back at home.

I pulled out the cell phone, a cute little crown accessory hanging from it. Tamaki knelt beside the desk, "So that you could talk to the host club and I and... your friends back at the orphanage." Wait what?

"But they don't have cellphones," I say dumbly.

"They will in a couple of days. I shipped 4 cell phones to the orphanage..."

I gaped at the phone, "Wow, this is amazing. Thank you so much!"

He grinned widely, "School starts in a few days, are you ready?"

"Not for the waking up part but everything else sounds fun!"

Yesterday was my acceptance test which got me into the school hanging by an A. I then slouched in my seat thinking about my fears, "But all those people-"

"You won't have to worry about that... The twins will be there. They may pull shady pranks but they'll make sure you're okay in class." I guess that had made me feel better but I was still worried about interacting with others.

My social skills were of a child who hid behind their mother. I'd only spoken to the girls at the orphanage and Ms. Lilia. I knew that I'd have to untie myself from my fear of talking to other people but I wish it weren't so soon...

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