Chapter Seventeen

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         The sun glistened down onto my face. It was a lovely day, minus the fake rain and the annoying "manager"... "Haruhi! Willa!" Tamaki raced towards us. His eyes were trained on Haruhi, a blush creeping up on his face, "So how was I?" He straightened his tie shyly. I smirked before glancing at Haruhi. We were resting on two metal chairs beside the effects and producers, "did you like my performance?" Haruhi slowly stood from her spot, handing him one of the dry towels, "It was pretty awesome, I'm surprised you were able to get into your character." My mind drifted from their conversation. It was clear it was meant to be for just the two of them which I was more than willing to move on from the love birds. I inched away from them, knowing they wouldn't notice me gone. Tamaki still hasn't realized my unnatural change in clothes... either that or he went insane from it. Just as I was about to enjoy nature that dumb voice rang in my ears, "Hey, Haruhi, William! You're on!"

"Wait, William?" I quickly glanced at Tamaki as I moved for the the set. His face drained of all it's color, "NOT MY PRINCESS! They got you too!" His dramatic side was kicking in... "Over here!" Renge waved to us from behind a wall. Tamaki's knees pressed onto the ground with an arm extending out to me, "I WILL AVENGE YOU!" I took this as a chance to walk away. I know Tamaki was only using Renge so he could get Haruhi to be girlier and keep me away from the troublemakers themselves. Somehow, I just knew that plan was going to backfire on him...

Two very large men stood beside Renge, anger radiating from their buffness, "These two gentlemen have just agreed to make a special appearance in our film!" She gestured towards the men. My heart dropped to my ass. They looked at her, confused, "A film, what are you talking about?"

"After All, we're gonna need some tough guys for the big climax." We all nearly jumped out of our skin. She's joking right? She makes it sound as if they were actually going to inflict pain on Haruhi and I. Which I wouldn't doubt it one bit. Putting two thoughts together, I realized that I was Haruhi's protector in this script. I'd be the one who took every hit... I guess I would rather it be me but standing up to the two hulks might piss them off even more... "That's when all the club members come together to fight against the real villains at their school."

I held a hand up, "Renge... I can't-" She cut me off, "According to this script, these two are from a wealthy family that got their wealth by being part of the Japanese Mafia." This story-line was only making me feel even more sick to my stomach. The fears creeping up to my throat, "Don't you think that's a brilliant casting choice?" I couldn't even speak.

"What's with this girl?"

"Whatever my dad does has nothing to do with me!" The boys were frantic. Haruhi held her hands up after looking over at my motionless body, "Wait a minute... Renge?" She grabbed onto of the tough guy's arms and pulled him with her. He snatched his arm back, "Hey, you think you can push me around? You don't even know me!" He push her harshly. I held my hands over my ears, "Make it stop..." I whispered. The guy glared at me, "You in on this too!" I shuddered from the tone of his voice as he pushed closer to me,the rage in his eyes only made a whimper escape my red wine stained lips, "Please... " I could feel the tears climbing into the beds of my eyes, "Haruhi? Willa?" I looked up from staring at the ground, there stood Tamaki, the twins not far behind him. A tear slid down my cheek, everyone's eyes widened. Tamaki and Hikaru were no longer standing where I was staring. Each were holding an arm of the man. "Are you okay Willa?" I rubbed away the tears with my wrist. I could feel weight lifting from my head and my hair cascaded around my shoulders in soft curls. I was staring at the ground again, sniffling insanely. I knew Kaoru was trying to comfort me but it was memory after memory, "I.... I want to go home..." I breathed out.

"So which one of you jerks started this....?" Tamaki said to the man menacingly. It was hard to even tell if it was Tamaki anymore, "Who hurt my little Willa!?" Hikaru chimed. His words were almost like a symphony to my ears. His little Willa... "Wait, Suoh, Hitachiin. It's not what you think! That girl started it! She was giving us a hard time!" Haruhi stood up. She must've been protecting Renge, "He's telling the truth, Senpai" Her hand was pressed against her forehead from what I was guessing to be a headache. That's when I noticed how furious Tamaki was. His eyes looked wild with a glare piercing into the man's skull, Hikaru's gaze not much different. It was mortifying to witness from such calm guys. Tamaki's head turned to Haruhi, "It wasn't their fault. They were provoked" She said. Tamaki and Hikaru released the man, letting him slide down the wooden wall. I could see the tears in her eyes as well. Was she scared too? Tamaki held her face close to his with a blush, "Haruhi, are you in any pain?" She rubbed her eye before pulling off something clear. A contact... "Willa?" Hikaru was walking towards us. I noticed that I was being hugged by Kaoru protectively. Did I look that helpless? A hand stroked my cheek, "You're safe now..." I guess I was safe before, the emotions just came over me when he yelled. It sounded so much like dad's yelling when he came home from the bars.

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