Chapter Twenty

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"Actually, Renge. I need to talk to Willa." Hikaru said, he didn't sound mad at her, more like guilty about something. The girl shrugged her shoulders as she continued to run out, "Maybe next time then!" I glanced at Hikaru. He just saved me from a terrible nightmare. "Is something wrong?" He stood from his seat, occasionally looking over at Tamaki. What really happened between the two? Tamaki stared directly at him. The hostility was morbid between the two, it made my stomach twist in nausea.

He gestured towards the door of the music room and fled out of it. Me following closely behind. He leaned against the window that faced the fountain. "I should have been more careful with you." He muttered lowly. His face lifted to look me in the eyes, "If I would have known you were going to walk by yourself..." He let his fist hit the concrete, "I should have taken you home, what I did was dangerous." He was talking about last night. It's no wonder why Tamaki didn't yell at me, he already did with Hikaru...

"Hikaru, it's not your fault-"

"Of course it is."

I frowned at his comment, "Why would you think that?"

"Because my responsibility is to keep you safe."

My mind was whirling right now, did he think that I wasn't safe? I was though, I was safe with him. "Willa," Huh? "Why did you leave the house by yourself?" I could feel my fingers fiddling, how did I not see this question coming, "Well, you see," I started. The words weren't forming right, "I wanted to follow the directions on my own. I wanted to find you by myself. It never said to come with someone..." He sighed, "I thought Tamaki would put up a good fight and take you himself... " Knowing Tamaki, that could have been the case if I hadn't closed the door on him.

Maybe Tama could have taken me, but I didn't regret going alone. "Someone could have taken you away and we wouldn't have found that out until it was too late..." This was a genuine problem to him and Tamaki. This conversation reminded me of the one I just had with Tama, it still feels uncomfortable. I didn't blame either of them for being upset but a lot of this was my fault. I wasn't a child, I was perfectly capable to look after my own responsibilities. I let out a long breath of air, "Hikaru, mistakes were made, maybe we BOTH could have been more careful. Right now, it has already happened so we need to move on from it and learn from those mistakes." His golden eyes peered into mine, "You're willing to forgive me?" Forgive him? "What is there to forgive?" As soon as he opened his mouth to say something the music room's door creaked open and all of the clients poured out.

They all stopped before us in worry that they've interrupted something, "Oh, hello Hikaru and Willa. Did we interrupt you guys?" Soft blushes heated up on each of their cheeks. They were more embarrassed than excited to see us. I shook my head, "Are you guys leaving?"

"Yep, We'll see you tomorrow."

As soon as they were gone the club members began to leave, it was impossible to talk to Hikaru privately. I didn't even get a chance to talk to Hikaru before Tamaki pulled me away, "Let's go get some food from the cafe." He demanded. I didn't even get to change! I peered over my shoulder to see Hikaru staring at his feet in shame. "Wait, I have to-" We were already outside. He seemed to be in such a hurry.


He opened the limo door silently, allowing me to find my seat before him. It was so unlike him to be this quiet. Was it because of Hikaru and I? I thought we were over this... "Where to Mr. Suoh?"

"Take us to the flower garden cafe."

With that, the limo lurched forward. A flower garden cafe? It sounded lovely. Almost as if Tama wasn't mad at me at all. It almost made me nervous that we were going there. "I'm not mad at you Willa." He spoke from beside me. His sudden comment made me jump. I wasn't expecting him to talk to me. "Hikaru, however-" I frowned, "What did you say to him Tamaki?" I knew it. I just knew there was something wrong, "As punishment, he isn't allowed to contact you for the rest of the day. I knew you might be upset with that so I'm taking you somewhere special." My jaw fell to the floor. "You punished him?! Tamaki, I'm just as responsible for this situation as he is."

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