Chapter Twenty Two

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    Once Haruhi was gone, I was once again left with the incest troublemakers. Lucky meee... "As we were saying," Hikaru started, setting an arm around my shoulder, "In order to entertain ones self in this otherwise boring life,"

"... one must find himself stimulating toys." Kaoru finishes, adding his arm to my other shoulder. I wasn't mad this time, "You guys are creeps..." I say. That's it, nothing else to say to them, they know exactly what I want to say but I refuse to satisfy them with my unfiltered fits. They smirked deviously, "Really?"

"You want a toy?" The voice was as scary as the apparition that floated around the manor. I cursed under my breathe due to the never ending chain of strange events that kept happening lately. The three of us slowly looked over to see the dark figure hiding behind the door, a candelabra held in his hand. "Toys... Toys..." He repeated, "If you like toys then you should come and visit my black magic club." I couldn't stop staring at him. He had such an odd Victorian voice and hid behind a hood as if he were Voldemort. Whelp, I'm sure I'm going to hell for saying that... "We've opened a marketplace that boasts black magic items from across the world. We're also holding mass around the clock. If you visit right now, I'll even throw in a free curse doll." He holds up one of his hands that was covered by what looks like a cat-like puppet. The puppets hands greedily pressed together repeatedly, "You can have Belzenef as your free gift." The puppet's name is Belzenef?

"Is he okay?" I mumble from between the twins, "Has that door always been there?" The twins add. That... is a good question. I thought it was just another closet the whole time. The twins slowly pull me into them. "Nekozawa Senpai likes to hide. He doesn't really care for brightly lit places." Kyoya says, meeting us with his clipboard. "Don't get involved with that guy, Willa...." Jeezums! When did Tama get behind me?! "If you do, you'll end up being cursed. It happened during final exams at the end of the last school year." The story was that Tamaki had stepped on the puppet, Belzenef. He went on about taking a test and being cursed, the letters were apparently not in Japanese, "I was all alone in a different dimension!" He yells out.


"Did that really happen to you?"

I wasn't convinced that Nekozawa was truly "cursed". Just like I, he might've had his own tough past. Or maybe he just likes to be different, which I'm full on supporting, " That only happened because you were so scared you accidentally walked into the beginning Greek class and took their exam." Kyoya mentions. Oh, Tamaki... He was so scared he might've been cursed that he wandered into a different classroom. It's kind of funny, I guess I wouldn't be laughing if I had that problem.

"No," Tamaki shouts at Kyoya, "It was a curse, I know because three days later, I woke up and my legs were heavy as lead! How do you explain that?"

"Your legs were heavy because you ran a marathon the day before, remember?"

I giggled, "In other words, you were just paranoid Tama." Kyoya nodded firmly, "That's exactly what it was Willa."

"You shouldn't underestimate the dark powers of Belzenef, the curse doll." Nekozawa chimed in, scaring the living daylights out of Tamaki, "All you have to do is write the name of someone you hate on his back then that person is certain to come face to face with misfortune."

"Wow, this guy really is dark... In more ways than one." Hikaru mutters.

"I wonder how many times someone put his name down on its back." I questioned, putting my index finger on my chin thought, how ironic that would be. The twins snickered softly from beside me. Oh lord, I just gave them a prank idea... Kaoru holds up a finger as if a light bulb struck him on the head, "Supposedly, he hates bright lights. I wonder what he'll think of this." He holds up a flashlight. The light on it flickered evilly before they shined it towards Nekozawa, "Ah, you murderers!" He screams, running out the door still screaming. He even trampled Tamaki on his way out which may have made it even more hilarious. I hide my smirk behind a hand, "You two are so evil." The snickers managed to escape my closed lips. Hikaru winked at me, "Evil is our middle name."

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