Chapter 40: The Final Revelation

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Slate’s POV:

“That’s it! You’re dead dude!” I shout when he throws another fist my way as I turn my back on him. I close my eyes to restrain myself, unfortunately football players lack control of their temper, just ask Drew or Fourie. I give in to my anger and turn around. I throw a fist at Mark’s jaw. I watch in satisfaction as he staggers back, holding his bleeding nose from the first punch I threw.

I gave him the chance to leave it as is, but as soon as I turn my back on him he, like a coward, turns and goes for another opening. “You are so pathetic it’s not even funny.” Mark leaps forward when he hears my insult, only to be pulled back by the man I fear most in this world.

My father’s piecing gaze meets mine in incredible disappointment as he shoves Mark behind him to restrain him before he got his ass handed to him by me. “This is unacceptable. This is the fourth time I’ve walked in on you two brawling like immature kids.” My dad speaks in a soft tone, one that scares the sh*t out of me. When he yells, you’re safe. When he uses the soft tone, run like hell for the hills. My father turns to me, ignoring Mark’s presence for the meantime, “Son, a word please?” He asks, more like demands.

I nod and follow after my father, noting that Mark’s glare still set intently on me. I flip him off behind my father’s back before entering the study. Thanks to Mark I’m about to get a walloping. My father stills beats the crap out of me if he’s not pleased with my behaviour, which is most days. My father shuts the door after him, not a good sign. I gulp as he turns to me with a fuming stare, “When the hell is that kid leaving? I offered to take in AJanae, who by the way is still missing, and not her little boyfriend too.”

“First off Pa, AJ has gone on a road trip with her boy toy Drew back to her hometown. I would have stopped her, but I think this is good for her, for them. She’ll be back.” I say, purposely not telling him about her quest to search the old house for the missing puzzle piece to it all. “Secondly, Mark is a f*cking retard.”

My dad gives me a sharp glare, “Language.”

“A flippen retard.” I correct myself, not that the wording is much of an improvement.

“Well if he’s not your friend in anyway then I am kicking him out of my house. He’s a trouble maker and your mother isn’t happy. You know as well as I do how moody she gets when something or in this case, someone, is bothering her. I was only letting him stay because I thought I was doing it in your favour but if not-“

AJanae’s words flash before me, reminding me of the promise I made to her to keep Mark safe. I am quick to jump to the asshole’s defence, “Dad of course we’re friends. I was just kidding earlier. We mess around like that to toughen each other up.”

My father gives me a sceptical gaze and takes the liberty to point out the facts, “Do I look like I was born yesterday? I’ve never seen you flip Drew off behind my back before. You never ‘mess’ around like you say with Drew or Fourie. Speaking of Fourie, why didn’t you tell me he left town?”

I shrug, a deep sadness overcomes me at hearing his name. I miss my bud, my brother. “Didn’t think it was relevant.”

“Well it is. Now listen son, I would have beaten you with my belt until you were blue and black for not only lying about your friendship with Mark when clearly there is only rivalry, but also for the nonsense you two have been causing round the house as of lately if I didn’t have something serious to discuss. I will let Mark stay despite your mother’s tantrums. Remember if you mother isn’t happy then ultimately my life is affected and so ultimately your life will be affected and turned into a living hell.  Now back to business. Dean you need to see this for yourself because I don’t know how else to tell you. My father places the television on and switches over to the news. When a red Ferrari flashes over the TV screen I eye him, confused to what his point was. “Just watch.” My father orders and so I do, only imagining defying his orders and seeing what would become of me, a corpse perhaps.

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