Chapter 4

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Xander's p.o.v.

As I wake up, I open my eyes to see my girl still sleeping. I slipped out of the bed and made up my side so she wouldn't know I was there and freak out. I'm nervous, not knowing how she'll react. I'm imagining she'll be scared and go mental. I'll have one of my men explain who I am and why I need her. Once she is calm, I'll talk to her. I really hope she takes this well.


I wake up confused and sore. Then it sets in... My mom tried to sell me for sex. I can't believe I'm not completely surprised. I hate not being loved by my mom. It hurts, to say the least. The beatings, I'm familiar with, but my OWN mother tried to make me lose my virginity to an affair of hers. I hate it. I hate her... wait.
Where the hell am I?!
I remember getting thrown into a table... Oh, Tattoo guy saved me. The gang leader. A few hours before we got off the plane, Cam told me that Austin told her that he was THE gang leader. As in the guy who's nuts i tried to smash. The guy that I insulted by calling him ugly. The guy who could kill me at any second he wishes. That news kind of made me have a meltdown on the plane that involved the pilot having to help someone out of the cock pit's dashboard looking thingy. Oops. I calmed down after a while and was happy that I wasn't murdered on the spot.
But why would HE want to save someone like ME? Why would he even be there? And why is he staring at me right now?
I screamed bloody murder when I realized it was him. He looked pained at my reaction to seeing him. He backed away slightly. Someone, I would assume is from his gang, came in with the exact clothes that randomly showed up at my door along with the gifts I was sent.

"Hi, Charlie. I'm Lucas. I promise we mean no harm to you. And this is Xander, my boss," He says as he gestures to the tattoo guy that's staring at me like I'm the only thing in the world. Not creepy at all.

"I brought you clothes to wear. The rest of your stuff is in the closet to your right... Um, are you ok?" He asks as he sees me shaking violently in fear. This is overwhelming.

Xander panics for some reason and jumps onto the bed, scoops me up, and cuddles me to his chest. But, he doesn't realize it's only panicking me further. He's ripped off of me by the guy that brought the clothes. He tells Xander to go outside. He's hesitant but obliges.

"It's ok. Everything will be ok. Please calm down." He says in a soft, comforting voice, effectively calming me. I started to warm up to him as he talked to me for a while.
This makes no sense. What the hell is going on?

"I'm guessing you don't know why you are here. Well, I know this is going to sound crazy, but basically... you're my boss's soul mate..." I blink. "Hello?" Another blink from me. "You do know what I said right?" Blink. Yeah, I heard him. Everyone knows that gang leaders need light in their lives, so they are granted it in the form of love. Now, I know things like this happen, and I understand it.
But for me? I'm ugly and fat and stupid. He's probably none of those. My thoughts are cut off by Lucas's voice,

"He needs someone to love him so he won't go out of control and become heartless. He needs someone to love, spoil, and cherish the ground they walk on. That person is you."

I look at the ground, take the clothes from his hands and go to a door that I assume is the bathroom. Thankfully, I am correct the first time. I take a quick shower and put on the clothes he gave me. I look at myself in the mirror and see a huge basketball size bruise on my stomach. I sigh and walk out to find Lucas waiting by the door. I know this is completely uncalled for, but I wanted to scare Lucas, and whoever else is in the house...


I do as Lucas tells me with a heavy heart, way to hesitant for my own good, I sulk to the living room, and sit on a couch. For about 45 minutes, I just sit here scrolling through my phone, until I hear a scream come from my room, immediately assuming it was from my princess.
What did Lucas do to her?! Pissed, I run to the door as fast as I possibly could and knock down my bedroom door. Storming in, I'm confused about what's happening in front of me. I see my girl on the floor clutching her stomach while rolling around. She's laughing. My curious eyes travel to Lucas, only to see him looking at her in horror, and seeming absolutely petrified. He looks at me fearfully before saying,

"She's crazy! I swear I didn't do anything." He pleads.

"I just wanted to have a good laugh. Scaring people is funny." She says as her laughter dies down.

Noted. My girl likes to laugh...

A few silenced minutes later...

"Umm..." She says. I furrow my brows in confusion as she doesn't continue her sentence. Now that I think about it, she seems a little uncomfortable. Like she doesn't want to talk to us.

"Lucas, out. Now." I say. I look at Charlie. She seems lost in thought.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I ask her. She thinks for a while, before saying something.

"You saw the situation I was in. My own mother has neglected me all of my life and abused me. All I've ever been told was that I'm ugly, fat, that I'm a whore and a slut. I always thought my mom was right. I was never going to be loved and that I was useless. I can't just remove those words and bruises out of my head."
Without a thought, I tackle her onto the bed and put my hand over her mouth to stop those stupid words from coming out of her pie hole.

"Don't talk about yourself like that. No matter what your mother says, I think you are the most beautiful and talented girl I've ever met. I know you aren't a slut because you are a virgin and you are loved. By me and my gang, they will forever treat you like their queen, and submit to you full heartedly, just like me. You are the world to me now and I don't want to ever hear those words come out of your mouth again. Do I make myself clear, Angel?"

She nods her head as she looks at me with tears in her eyes. I take my hand off of her mouth and cuddle her close to my chest. Maybe overstepping a boundary but neither of us seemed to care. We were comfy.

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