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In a flash, I pushed my seat back, storming out of the restaurant as I felt my temper flare at the act. Coming up to them, I stared at them before I got closer.

"HEY BACK OFF!" I shouted, pushing one back as he fell.

Bringing my leg up, I kicked two down, bringing my elbow up to hit another in the face. I jammed my knee in the last one's stomach as he fell down and turned around to find the hurt guy.

"Ah, there you are!" I saw him lying on the ground in pain as I hurried to help him up. "I may know basic fighting, but it would be better if we ran away now," I said as I looped an arm of his around me and held him up.

I rushed towards the door again as my mom and dad watched, mouths hung open and eyes wide. I sat him down at our table, giving him my glass of water as he caught his breath.

Under the light, he was far more attractive than I could have even imagined as I was left speechless.

His lips chapped and I wanted to bring mine over them.

Yet he was covered in bruises and cuts, trembling.

"Hey, what's wrong? You're okay now, they won't get to you here," I crouched down by him as he looked over at me.

"Why d-did you help me?"

"Why not? I saw that you were getting hurt and that's reason enough," I stared at him as he looked away.

"You're too pretty to have to help someone like me."

My mouth was left open at his statement.

"Don't say that," I narrowed my eyes at him. "What makes you think that you're lower than anyone else?" I raised my voice at him as he flinched back into his seat.

With wide eyes, I took a step back.

"I'm sorry, I'm out of my place to speak."

I apologized as his eyes were wide.

"Kiddo how about you call your parents to take you home or we can," my dad offered as he stood and shook his head.

"I can head home," he said, stumbling up as I grabbed his arm on instinct to help him stand up.

"I'll call a taxi," I said as we walked out and one pulled up.

"N-no, you don't have t-"

"I want to, so I am," I pushed him inside as he sat down, handing the driver 100 dollars in cash. "Take him wherever he says," I told him as he nodded at me.


"Don't refuse, it's already done," I smiled at him as I went to leave.

I looked back at him as he held my gaze.

"You're fucking perfect and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

His eyes were wide at my words as I turned around and walked back inside, the taxi whizzing away down the street behind me.

Looking up at the stars, I let a whisper out.

"If our fates align, we'll meet again."

I walked back in, meeting my parents as I sat down.

"Let's head home darl," my dad said, standing up to stretch as they had already paid.

"Yes, you've got work too," my mom nodded as she gave me a smile.

"You're right, let's go," I said as we walked out the door and I waved to them.

Naughty | p.jiminWhere stories live. Discover now