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I froze at his sudden confession, not knowing what to do.

"Unlike yours, they weren't the world's greatest parents, making their only child feel like shit all the time," he bitterly chuckled. "It's not like I asked to be born, I was only the aftermath of their drunk fuck."

"You live alone?" I let the question fall from my lips, the thought of him having no one to complaint and whine to after a long and tiring day breaking my heart.

I mean not like I had someone I lived with, but every once in a while my parents would at least call me.

"Ever since they left this world and me in it. Not like it's what they wanted, they would have taken me along with them if they could."

"You're so strong," I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"S-strong? No, I'm not, I a-"

"Perfect, that's what you fucking are," I breathed out against his lips. "And I don't want to hear anything less from you, got it?"

"G-got it," he nodded and I gave him a smile while he stayed in my arms.

Oh, how I'm going to spoil him.

With exactly what he deserves.

The best.


"Wow, you guys are neighbors," Taehyung exclaimed, everyone now finding out the fact that where I was moving in to was directly next door to where Jimin was living.

"Yeah, isn't it so dreamy?" Jungkook sighed as he looked off into the distance. "Living in the same apartment building, the doors right next to each other with a door connecting their homes together right in the wall! So they can meet up to have steamy hot sex with each other, tangled in each other's bodies t-"

Throwing a shoe of mine at Jungkook's face, he laughed when I missed and I rolled my eyes.

"Stop it, you're making him uncomfortable," I spoke as Jimin was now flushed red, yet he shook his head when Jungkook looked over to him.

"N-no, that's not it. It's alright r-really, I mean m-maybe one d-day it can happen."

Nearly tripping over the box that was clearly in front of me, my throat went dry at how he wasn't aware of the bold statement he made, even in his shyness.

His eyes were on the ground as he rubbed his toes into the floor.

Walking over to him, I lifted his chin up so he could only look at me.

"Is that what you really want?"

My tongue darted out to wet my dry lips and I saw him look away to bite on his chapped ones.

His face heated more under my touch and our close proximity.

"Baby boy, I'll be the one to bite down on those chapped lips."

He immediately looked back at me with wide eyes.

"Answer me."

He shivered at my tone and nodded.

"I-I mean, if you w-wanted t-to with me, w-we c-cou-could," he couldn't meet my eyes as they frantically looked everywhere else other than me.

I couldn't believe my ears as happiness rushed throughout me.

Crashing my lips onto his, he let out a surprised moan at the sudden tongue that ran over his lips.

"Fuck," I pulled away breathlessly, seeing his chest heave up and down as well. "Jimin," I leaned down to his ear so he could hear me and no one else. "And I promise you that we will."

I was suddenly yanked away by an arm as Jin dragged me to another part of my new home.

"Can I arrange your clothes and accessories to my liking or do you want to do that?" He asked as he had everything labeled over the boxes before we got here which ended up being extremely useful for people like us.

"I like the sound of the first," I said and walked out of my bedroom to check on the others while Namjoon and Jin stayed inside to set up the rest of my room.

Hoseok was decorating the living room and dining room as he moved things around with a hop in his step like usual. Seeing me, he immediately toss the placemat down to run and hug me, clinging onto me as I nearly fell.

"Hobi!" I shouted as I knew we both would fall and he laughed, letting go as he hopped back away.

Taehyung and Jungkook worked with the extra spaces like hallways, lounge, bathrooms, and the kitchen.

Making sure that everyone was okay, I headed back to find Jimin. Yet what I didn't know was that he was behind me, smiling as he started to walk up to me.

Freezing in his steps when he saw Taehyung run towards me, pulling me into his arms and spinning me around, his smile falling.


"Sorry, sorry," he giggled, peppering kisses all over my face and I only screamed at him to stop spinning me.

"Hey, stob it!" Jin yelled as he walked out and saw the scene. "She needs to fully recover," he scolded as Taehyung pouted and let me down.

Jungkook walked in as well, seeing the pout over Taehyung's lips.

"What's wrong, babe?" He asked only to get Taehyung pecking his lips as a response.

"Nothing when we all are here together," he grinned as we all were know in the living room.

"Yeah, knowing that we all are such a family as brothers and with our one sister," Jin lowered his voice before adding on. "Which could have been another brother if she got an operation," eying my tits and crotch openly and dramatically.

"I'M NOT GETTING AN OPERATION SO DROP IT!!" Hiding behind Jimin, I clung to his back.

"Leave it be, we're all just happy to be together again as a family," Namjoon grinned and we nodded and cheered in agreement. "Especially now with Jimin with us too!"

We all cheered and applauded for him as he turned to look at me with watery eyes, a smile adoring his features as it was now his turn to bury himself into me.

A thought struck me as I looked around.

"Wait, where's Yoon!?"

Naughty | p.jiminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora