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"Do-don't," Jimin pleaded, holding onto me tighter.

"It's alright, I'll always stand by you, no matter wha-"

"You don't understand!" He cried harder as I could feel my heart break into pieces at the sight of him. "H-he's a dirty fighter!"

I wanted to hold him and never let go, kissing him with all I had onto his chapped lips.

But of course, I couldn't.

I'm just someone who helped him and then became his teacher, helping him again as he was now my student.

Nothing more in his eyes.

The thought hit me with surprise.

Did I want to be more to him?

My heart raced at the thought of him, his touch sparking a fire through me. I never had that with anyone.

And nor should I want it.

Especially with Jimin.

He just sees us as a teacher and student, me helping him because it's my job, not knowing that I wanted to.

Protect him in my arms foreve-

I mentally scoffed at my own thought.

I'm just his teacher, and he's just my student.

And not even that for long.

After my term is done, we'll most likely never cross paths again, the only time we'll even see each other during my term is during my class or if we bump into each other on campus.

Cocking my head to the side in confusion, I pushed him off of me with a forced broken smile as I went to take a step towards the other student.

Before Jimin could reach out to me again, Taehyung and Jungkook held him back.

Cracking my knuckles, I kicked the other student's chin as he fell back.

"You're better than I thought," he smirked, hideous yellow teeth showing through his black lips as he reached to get something from behind his back.

My eyes widened in a moment as it clicked what Jimin meant.

With my guard down, he got up, charging at me with a blade. Not having enough time to move out of the way, I jerked my torso out the way, smacking his arm as his aim faltered, but didn't miss me.

Letting a scream out as the dagger pierced the side of my thigh, I heard Jimin scream out as well.

Pain blinded me, fury snapping back that this is what Jimin endured with a silent shattered smile.

Before the blade could go deeper into my leg, I jammed my knee into his balls as the blade fell from his hand, my blood splattered on the ground as it dripped down my leg.

He crouched over as I took my chance to bring my leg up and slam it over his back as he fell face forward.

Getting onto his back, I held his arms together as he shouted in pain. Keeping my grip on him, I felt tears fall from my eyes from the pain of the open wound.

"Tae, now!!" I yelled as he nodded, his phone already at his ear as he gave me a nod.

"It's done, they're here," he said with a shaking smirk as I gave a miserable smile back.

"W-who?" The student grumbled as I only slammed my elbow over his head.

"The fucking cops to drag your ass to jail with them," I grunted out as I pulled him to his feet, standing myself as I winced, the tears streaming harder.

"W-what, no!"

He thrashed harder against me as I nearly lost my grip over him until officers clicked handcuffs around his wrists, thanking me as they shoved his head down into the car.

"No, thank you," I said breathlessly, my hand stained red from the cut over my leg.

With a nod and a salute, they were off and I was ready to fall onto my knees.

Before my knees could scrape onto the ground, strong arms held me up, an arm going under my back and my knees as I saw a blurry Taehyung holding me and saying something.

Trying to understand what he was saying, I blinked, not opening my eyes after.


When I did regain my consciousness, I was back at home, a blurry Taehyung in my view in front of me.

Blinking a few times, I cleared my vision as his back was facing me but I could never mistake him for someone else.

"Tae?" I called out to him as he turned around in a flash, his eyes widening as he ran over to me.

"My Y/N," he pulled me into his arms, kissing my cheek as I smiled.

"What's up tae mah bae?" I laughed and he chuckled, leaning back as he stared at me.

"You worry us so much," he pouted.

"Yes and you ought to understand that comes with a price so you're buying lunch," Jin walked in and I grinned at the sight of him with Namjoon in tow.

"You know we're always there for each other," Namjoon grinned as they made themselves comfortable and Hoseok came out of the bathroom.

"Sleeping beauty is awake!" He cheered as he jumped on top of me and I fell back onto the bed giggling.

"Thanks all of you, and not a problem. Lunch is on me since you guys have got to help me pack and move into the new house which manager sent the address to me and I have it saved," I explained and they nodded.

"Alrighty, we took the rest of the day off anyways so it's all good. There wasn't much to look forward to other than seeing you again," Jin grinned, pulling my cheeks like he would always do to us despite our protests.

"Thanks, means the world to me," I said and I noticed the emptiness in the room without Jungkook.

And the emptiness in my heart without Jimin here.

I gulped, hating the thoughts that I shouldn't dare to have.

We were nothing.

I had convinced myself that right when the door burst open and Jimin rushed in towards me as Jungkook trailed in with a soft smile.

Yet before I could focus on anything else,

I felt chapped lips over mine.

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