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I couldn't tell if he was conscious or not, but I didn't have enough time to register the fact.

Taehyung burst in behind me, tugging me up and shouting at me.

"THAT IS YOUR FUCKING MAN DO NOT SIT HERE AND DO NO SHIT AFTER EVERYTHING YOU WENT THROUGH!" He pushed me forward and I let my grip tighten around my gun.

"Get off of him," I spat.

The women that prowled over him raised a brow at the scene we had created. Jimin was laid over the bed, his clothes sprawled over the floor, only his boxers over him.

There were no cigarettes in the room, only empty bottles of alcohol scattered around the room.

I couldn't count how many women were all over him, half naked and only tight lingerie over them.

Yet far too many for my liking.

They simply rolled their eyes at me, their hands going back over to his body and I slammed my gun against the first woman.

"Get the fuck off of him," I seethed, pushing her back and she stumbled.

"No one seems to listen the first time around, huh?" Jungkook scoffed, pushing the female out the door as she screamed at us.

I swung my gun in my hand as their eyes widened.

"Who's next?"

Raising my leg, I knocked another stripper off the bed as she fell with a screech.

Taehyung dragged two out, while Jungkook pushed another off of Jimin.

Swinging my fist, the prostitute fell back and as I turned, I saw another's hands over Jimin's waist.

With a growl, I cocked the gun, digging the tip into the back of her head as she froze.

"He's mine."

Striking the metal against her neck, she sharply passed out, her eyes shutting as she laid on the floor.

"Got all of them that were in sight," Jungkook stated and I nodded.

Dropping my gun, I immediately rushed to Jimin's side.

Swinging a leg over him, I was at his waist as I held my hand out for Jungkook's blade. He handed it over and I didn't waste a moment to slice the handcuffs that held him.

Letting them clink down onto the bed, I gave the blade back, my hands holding Jimin's face and I leaned down.

"Minnie," I breathed out, tears filling my eyes at his tired and weakened state.

He wasn't beaten, which brought relief, yet seeing him in this situation had my heart shatter.

Getting up, I picked his shirt up, sliding it back onto him and he seemed to stir around. I shuffled around as I fit his shorts back on, letting them stay loose around his waist for him to stay comfortable.

Handing his shoes to Taehyung, I gave a nod.

Sliding my arm under his knees and the other under his back, I let my knees straighten, my hold tightening over Jimin.

"Let's go, our work is done here," I spoke, seeing Jungkook collect anything else of Jimin's.

We stepped out of the room and I hissed at the alcoholic atmosphere around us, wanting to leave quickly. Hurrying out, we made it back to the van and this time I sat in the seats instead of the back.

Jimin in my arms and Taehyung and Jungkook by my sides, Yoongi started the vehicle again and we headed back home.


"He's still unconscious," Jin told me as they tightened chains around the passed out Harry.

"Good, keep him that way," I said and walked back into my room.

Setting Jimin onto the bed, Hoseok came in with Jimin's spare clothes and I thanked him.

Tugging his dress shirt off, I slid a fresh t shirt over him and changed his shorts to sweatpants.

I laid his clothes over the chair, going back over to the bed and I settled in beside him.

"The doctor says that there's no internal concerns or drug use running through him," Namjoon spoke softly and I let my eyes shut as I ran my hand through Jimin's hair.

"What about alcoholic?"

"A good amount was forced into his system, but he'll work it out once he wakes up, he's just tired at the moment," he responded and I gave him a nod.

He left, shutting the door as he went back to work with finishing the files.

Resting my head over his shoulder, I watched him take steady breaths, his lips slightly bleeding as they were torn. I shifted onto my elbow to gaze at him, my hand playing with his hair.

Leaning down, I kissed his cheek, moving my lips down over to his jaw. Fluttering kisses over his arm, I held onto his hand.

As I intertwined our fingers, I let out a breath.

"I love you so much."

Pressing my lips against his, I laid back down next to him. I kept my arm over him as I pulled the covers up.

"Please come back to me."


"No, get out."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and he only stomped his foot.

"You're making a big deal, it's not like I even saw his dick or anything!!" Taehyung argued and I sighed.

"I don't care, you're not staying beside him," I shot back, setting a water bottle down beside the bed.

"He'll be waking up anytime soon, the sun is rising too," Taehyung smiled.

"Why aren't you pounding into Jungkook's ass?"

"Because I already did."

"Do it again."

"Just did."

With a huff, I got up and let him come over to the bed.

He sat down beside Jimin's laying form and I took a deep breath.

"I'll be here whenever you're done," I have a nod towards him as he gave a thumbs up, holding onto Jimin's hand.

Letting the door shut, I saw the police talking with Namjoon and Yoongi pulled me into a hug.

"We did it, you don't have to speak up for anything, the claims are valid and backed up," he grinned down at me. "They're taking him away and locking him up, no more of him," he gave me a tight squeeze before Jin hurried over.

"In celebration, I say we have a relaxing day since Joonie has given all the evidence and files to the police for them to keep with the case and now they're just taking legal signatures," he pulled my cheeks as I gave a slight bow to the officers as they walked out.

"WE WON!" Hoseok pulled me up into his arms with a happy shout.

I laughed, smiling as everyone cheered and Jungkook made fun of me for nearly crying.

"Hey, Y/N," Taehyung's voice sounded out as he stepped out of the room.

"Tae, I told you not to leave Jimin alone for even a split seco-"

"He's not breathing."

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