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"U-uhm, miss?" I heard a voice call out as I looked up to see Jimin walk closer over to us.

"Yes?" I responded as he looked down, not meeting my eyes.

"You didn't give us your name," he said as I realized I really hadn't.

"Y/N L/N, you can say whatever is easier for you," I said as he nodded.

"Thank you Ms. L/N," he bowed slightly as he sat next to my desk.

"You mean you don't know her?" Taehyung asked as he leaned back in his seat.

"What do you mea-"

"Meaning," Jungkook got up to walk over to him. "You don't know the business deals she's gotten for companies?" He raised an eyebrow as Jimin's eyes widened.

"I don't keep up with stuff, but I've seen her over magazines and everywhere," he spoke with large eyes as I nodded back at him. "I just didn't realize it was you," he breathed out.

"Not a problem at all, my fame should have nothing to do with the career I pursue," I have him a nod as I heard Taehyung snort.

"Don't try to sound fancy when you don't know what you're trying to say," he said as I pushed the leg of his seat and he jumped up, laughing his ass off.

"My class, my rules," I argued as he shrugged.

"Got a point there, but you might not even be older than half of our class," he pointed out as I sighed.

"I know, I noted that," I nodded at him.

"Then maybe you should put a tighter hold over your class," he suggested, leaning back in his chair.

"My class, my problem. And don't lean back, I don't want a broken neck from you," I slammed his chair back down as he coughed.

"Well you might just give me a broken back," he said as I rolled my eyes.

"You might just get me a broken back," I mocked, making a face as he frowned.

"Rude," he commented.

"I know you are," I retorted.

"I'm not a mirror," he stated as I rolled my eyes.

"I'll stop," I said as I stuck out my tongue.

"I won't," he laughed.


"Immature," he shot back.

"Quit your bickering, we should head out to find the others and give them the news of how we are working tonight with Y/N," Jungkook said as he pulled Taehyung up with him to leave through the door, waving at us.

"The ti-time!" Jimin shot out of the seat he was in as he stumbled to grab his bag. "I don't want to be late for my class," he said as he slung his bag onto his shoulder, giving me a small smile as he left.

I gave him a wave as he went back into the hall, crowded with kids as I sighed and sat down. As I opened a drawer to find folders, I saw something near Jimin's seat.

Sitting upright, I got up to walk over and put it on my desk in case he came back for it.

Thinking Jimin probably just dropped a pack of gum or something out of his bag, I stood frozen as I stared at the object.

A pack of cigarettes.

He smokes?

"I can't jump to conclusions," I sighed, bending down to pick it up as I placed it in the drawer of my desk.

Even if he did smoke, it wasn't my concern.

I'm simply here as a teacher and he just so happens to be one of my students.

Extremely sexy student.

But still not the point.

As I continued to arrange things on my desk, the phone rang as I picked it up.

"Ms. L/N speaking," I answered as I heard a cheery greeting answer back.

"Hey! I'm so excited to finally meet you! But the reason why I called was that a gym teacher couldn't make it today so I need you to fill in that place with me," he explained as I nodded, looking over my schedule.

"Alright, sounds great to me," I smiled as he suddenly spoke up.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Did you have another class at the time or an-"

"No, no. You're fine, I actually only teach one class so I'm free for the rest of the day after I teach," I informed as he breathed out a sigh.

"Great! Class takes session in an hour, see you there!"

As I put the phone back, I decided to wander through the classroom for the hour I had, setting an alarm so I wouldn't forget.

Opening everything and looking at where everything was, I put stickers over the drawers, labeling them so I'd know and the rest of the class would too.

The alarm rang as I jumped up, clicking out of the game site I was on and checking the time.

I decided to head there fifteen minutes early since it was better to know things a bit before hand.

I walked through the halls, knocking on the gymnasium office door.

"Hello! I'll be the coach you're working with today and worry not! You will not be in charge of any heavy duty. Just watch over the gym and then after class when everyone goes back to change in the locker room so there's no chaos. And lucky for hot stuff like you, you get to watch the boys!" He gave me a grin and a thumbs up as I couldn't help but laugh at his upbeat tone.

"Thanks for the warm welcome," I nodded at him as he lead me into the locker room to wait for the class to get here.

As I sat down, handfuls of kids came into the room with their bags as they started to change their clothes.

"Woah! I didn't know that our teach would be such a pervert!"

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