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"Min," I blinked, my breath taken away by his words and I sat up.

"I want this, and I've thought about it before I brought it up," he stared at me, his hands holding mine tightly.

"Okay, and I understand that. Is there anything you want to talk about first?" I moved closer to him and he leaned onto my side.

"T-they to-touched me."

Shutting my eyes, I took a breath.

It's over, he's here with me now.

"Who?" I kissed the back of his hand.

"T-the girls," he gulped.



I pulled him into my arms and he hugged me, his head rested in my neck as he took soft breaths.

"Anything else?"

"I don't think s-so."

"You had your boxers on, did they touch you there?"

"Y-yes, but n-not under them," he cried and I kissed his shoulder.

The anger I felt rushing through my veins had no words.

Seems like Harry was going to have a little visit tomorrow.

"I-I'm better now I'm with y-you," he pulled back to give me a smile and I wiped his tears away.

"No one is ever going to bring any harm to you. This was the last straw," I stated and he gave me a simple nod.

"Thank you."

His soft response had me smile.

"Are you sure?"

My voice was firm and I needed to know that he was going to be ready for this.


There was no hesitation in his answer.

"Then there's something you should hear first," I grinned as he looked at me.


"I love you, Jimin."

His eyes welled with tears and he threw his arms around me.

"I-I love you too, so so so much," he held me close and I kissed his cheek.

"What do you want then?"

"For you to kiss me, touch me, hold me, feel me, and I w-want," he paused, his eyes looking down.

"Want what, my baby boy?" Raising his chin with my finger, I leaned into him.

"Us to m-make l-love," he smiled at me with pink cheeks.

"You said you wanted me to make love to you, is that right?" I pushed him back down onto the bed softly.

His eyes fluttered shut as he laid down and I hovered over him, yet he blinked them open.

"Correct," his hands came to rest around my cheeks.

Naughty | p.jiminWhere stories live. Discover now