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Jimin didn't meet my gaze for the rest of the night and it made me more miserable than I thought it would.

Wasn't he the one who di-

"Hey, gotta snatch the beauty queen for a moment," Taehyung said while he pulled on my wrist all of a sudden and I stumbled into him.

"Bastard," I grumbled, my skirt having hiked up higher from the sudden movement.

Too busy to note his eyes darting to someone, a small smirk over his face, while the other's heart broke, looking away with a sad frown.

All before he shoved me into my room and threw me on the bed.


"Don't 'what the fuck tae' me because it won't work since this time it's reversed," he said and I only was more confused.


"What the fuck Y/N," and suddenly he was angry, pulling me up again with a grip over my wrist that made me wince.

Sensitivity was not helping me.

And he knew it.

"I know I was the one to say that he's fucking dumb, but that was before I realized that you're only more of a fucking dumbass. No wonder you two are so perfect for each other, two fucking mor-"

"Shut it, Tae," I snapped, nearly using his full name.

"Oh, does it hurt your heart when I say something negative about him?" He towered over me in an instant and I cursed my bloody short height.


"You don't get to ask fucking what after the bitch stunt you just pulled on him. The same one you're in love with right? Park Jimin? To build him so high only to let him fall?" He was shaking with anger yet I couldn't understand the reason for his fury.


"Let me make it a bit clearer. Do you remember what happened during your club experience? When we all were in college together, before you left us because of him. To become a business bitch so you could come back stronger, cutting us off entirely? Shutting me out because of that fucking cunt son of a bitch," my head pounded at the brought up memory that I had wanted to be long forgotten. "The reason you're dominant over submissive, because you can't handle the thought of being under someone's control and being at their will and power."


"What was his name? Huh? Some fancy foreign exchange student he was, winning all the hearts over yet he wanted yours. And you being the closed off person you are, turned him down. Every, single, time. Harry Mason, wasn't it?"


"You don't have the fucking right to scream my name to me!" He raised his voice far more than I had.

"Remember what he did to you that night in the club? Or do you want me to tell you again in detail?"

"Stop," I could feel the tears well up again.

"Oh, you have no reason to act like the victim when you hurt Jimin," he seethed and I couldn't see clear anymore.


"He got you drunk at the club to have his horny way with you since you weren't interested in him, didn't he? Isn't that enough reason to despise the thought of a club or a drink? The drug he put in your drink so he could be ramming his dick inside you all night without you stopping him to do so!!" Taehyung screamed at me and I nearly fell to my knees, his nails digging into my arm as he held me up with his grip.

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