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Taehyung's POV

"Hey, babe," I called out to Jungkook as Jimin was laying down on the bed with ice.

"Hmm?" He responded as he played with the popsicle sticks.

"Don't you think that maybe our Y/N is maybe taking a liking to the newbie?"

"What makes you think that? That she stood up for him? Because you and I both know that she would do that for anyone. She stands up against the wrong no matter what," Jungkook shrugged as I shook my head.

"No, I meant like maybe she's attracted to him."

"Maybe you're overthinking it," he sighed as he kissed my hand. "Even if she is, we'll keep an eye on him. Plus, I don't think he's involved with anything shady. He has no gang marks over him, nor does he do drugs or drink. All he does is smoke," Jungkook said as he tapped his foot.

"Wait, what?" I sat up as I leaned towards him. "How do you know he smokes?"

"I've seen him, I saw him earlier this morning. It might be a stress reliever or something. I mean you see the shit he goes through. And he was looking for them too, before gym. He didn't seem to have his pack of smokes on him so he didn't smoke then," he told me as he held my hand.

"How do you find things out like this?"

He looked at me like I was a moron.

"I stalk people," he rolled his eyes. "I have damn eyes and I use them. Plus, I noted how dreamily Y/N stared at him this morning and throughout class. She doesn't get the hots for anyone so if she's got them for him, then the least we can do is support them and protect him for her," Jungkook looked over at me with a raised brow as I nodded.

"I agree, but you plan so far ahead. They're not even dating yet," I pointed out as he sighed.

"I know. But it's like love at first sight with them," he rolled his neck.

"And it wasn't for us?" I teased as he pulled the front of my shirt to smash his lips onto mine.

"I didn't bring us up," he said breathlessly as he left my lips and we heard a small cough.

"Jimin," I smiled at him as he didn't meet our eyes. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing fine, I should probably head to cla-"

"No, just rest. You're all good, we'll be here with yo-"

"No, really. You don't understand, I need to go," he said in a rush as he shot out of the bed and zoomed out the door before us.

"We just lost him, didn't we?"

I turned to Jungkook with wide eyes as we jumped out of our seats and ran after him through the halls.

"Y/N is going to have our ass," he shouted at me as we continued to run.

"I know! Fuck, he probably went back to gym!" I realized as we stopped, turning around to run towards the gym instead.

"What an asshole!" Jungkook said out of frustration as I chuckled.

"Don't say that love, Y/N will get you expelled too," we both laughed as he shook his head.

"Got that damn right," he said as he pushed the doors of the gym open and we stood frozen at the scene before us.

Y/N was laid on the ground as Jimin laid over her, caging her in as his arms were over her and he was pressed against her. Their mouths were parted open as they took in heavy breaths, both of them not making a move to get out of the position they were in. Their lips so close that if they spoke a word, their lips would lock.

Jungkook's sneakers made a squeak on the floor as they both tore their gaze away from each other to look over at us.

Jimin sat up over her as he stood, his face bright red as he looked away and Y/N got up, brushing herself off. I instantly noted the goosebumps over her entire frame.

Jungkook pulled me into the basketball game that was in session as we joined playing with the rest of the class.

"Yoon hyung!" I called out as I saw him playing as well.

"Ay Tae," he greeted me as I shuffled over to him.

"Don't you have another class?"

"Skipped so I could cut into this one," he explained as I made an 'oh' with my mouth and nodded in understanding.

"Got it, what happened with Y/N and the newbie?" I asked as Yoongi gestured Jungkook over as well.

"Great so now I'll only have to tell this once," he said as he looked at both of us. "A stray ball went towards Y/N, shortie saved her and they fell together tangled into each other's arms. Happily ever after," he summed up as we stared at him.

"What a cute cliche," I grinned as Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"All cliches seem to be cute," he said as he leaned closer to us. "But like is Y/N okay? You guys know how sensitive she is to touch, especially if she's interested in him then his touch will seem to have a stronger spark for her," Jungkook raised a brow as Yoongi nodded.

"You're damn right, his touch might be special for her since she's so sensitive. He's pretty hot himself so I think they'll be great together," he gave a shrug and I nodded.

"And she has us with her too," I pointed out.

"Obviously," Jungkook looked over at me and gave the same shrug.

I looked over to see Y/N standing with the clipboard held tightly against her chest, her legs slightly wobbling as her mouth was parted open. She stayed at the side, watching the game to make sure the class was running fine.

But what I didn't seem to notice was that her gaze was fixed directly onto one certain player.

And his flustered gaze always finding its way back to hers.

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