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My irritation stayed with me through the next two weeks and I sighed, shuffling the papers over my desk as the project was coming near its end, only a week left for the work that needed to be done.

I had avoided Jimin entirely, not even going home since we were neighbors.

Which meant for the past two weeks I was staying with my parents.

Which wouldn't be terrible if they didn't 'express their love' every five seconds to each other, not even knowing I was there.

They had asked why I didn't want to stay in my new home and I told them I had wanted to spend time with them before I stayed there.

It didn't make any sense, but they didn't question it any further, just happy to have me with them.

That was before they realized I wasn't leaving and kicked me out this morning.

I wasn't going to stay with them forever, but I assumed that I could put it off longer.

And with a sigh, I hurried out, going to my car as I knew Jimin had a class at the time I would leave. Since I was done for the day, I would take my leave so that I wouldn't have to face him.

Parking my car, I got out to go up the steps and use the keys that I hadn't used ever since that day.

I groaned, standing in front of the door, not wanting to go in as I glanced over to the door next to mine.

Even if I wanted to spend time with Jimin, it's not like I would even be able to as my schedule had been filled with so many meetings and I had an interview coming up as well, the preparations for the magazine photo shoot making me have no time to breathe.

Turning the key in the lock, I opened the door, screaming instantly at the sight.

"What the fuck are you doing here!?"

"Aww, teach that's no way to greet your student after school," Taehyung pouted, sitting on my sofa comfortably as he munched on chips.

"Tae fucking hyung, I will strangle you if you've been living here," I said and he chuckled.

"Chill babe, Jungkook and I only come around to check on things and if you're actually ever coming back or not. And you know," he paused, a smirk over his lips and I sighed.


"To break in your bed."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to resist the urge to actually stab the wall behind me.

"That's wonderful," I rolled my eyes, setting my bag down as Jungkook walked out of the bathroom, boxers low on his hips as he smiled at me.

"Hey! You're finally back!"

"Hey! You're having sex in my bed!"

Taehyung rolled on the floor, laughing as his face turned red from not breathing.

"She's so damn right we can't even deny," Jungkook shrugged and I sighed in response, my phone ringing again.

Rubbing my temples, I picked up, going to grab a water bottle as I sat down.

"Did you look over the background for the company that's interviewing you? Check that tonight and make sure you're here tonight for the meeting. Be on time, don't test my patience."

And with that, the call ended as I had fell into my regular work routine as a business assistant again, having to now balance it with teaching.

"Can I just say," Taehyung started off.

"You can't."

"You look awful these days."

I rolled my eyes at his comment as I heard the clicking of the door next to mine and I froze.

"That's why."

Taehyung didn't let me say anything as he kept his eyes on mine, continuing to talk.

"You're not with him."

"I've been busy, I don't have ti-"

"Then make time because he's going through more packs of cigarettes without you than sex I have with Jungkook on a daily basis."

My eyes widened and I dropped the water bottle I had held onto.

"If you knew it or not, now I've made it aware to you. When you were with him, he didn't even have knowledge of where his cigarettes would be. Now the only thing I see him with is a cigarette."

"Taehyung, I'm busy," I narrowed my eyes at him, hearing the same girl's voice coming from through the walls from his place.

"You're not one to back down, show her not to mess with you because that's exactly what she's doing," Taehyung spoke firmly and I shook my head.

"I'm his teacher," I reminded him and he only rolled his eyes.

"I didn't say fuck him and have her walk in, I said show her you're not one to mess with," he raised a brow, giving my shoulder a nudge and I understood what he meant.

"Tae, I don't want to start a figh-"

"You love him, don't you?"

And those were the only words I had needed to hear, everything snapping as I heard a panicked shout from Jimin.


Slamming the door open, I walked in, my fist clenching at the sight of the girl trying to kiss him while he pushed her away, his hands trembling.

His eyes snapped to mine and I saw them go wide as tears welled into them.

My heart broke at the sight, but I turned my attention to the sight of the girl.

"Jimin?" I raised a brow as the girl only wore a dirty smirk. "I'm so glad you're here, I had to return your shirt that you left at my place from last night," I said, holding up his white t shirt as the girl's eyes went wide.

"You're neighbors with Ms. L/N?"

"Yes, we happen to live next door," I answered with a smile and she crossed her arms at me.

"What are you doing with a student's shirt?"

"He left it at my place when he needed help last night and had accidentally spilled coffee over it. He took it off to shower and I offered to clean it for him and now I'm returning it, that's all. Have a problem?" I raised a brow as she gulped slightly.

"N-no just th-"

"But I should be the one questioning you for making an attempt to sexually harass my student," I narrowed my eyes as she immediately apologized.

"P-please don't expel me, I-I know you've done it for a-a lot of s-students."

"I don't take pathetic apologies," I spat, seeing Jimin's soft eyes and I sighed, blowing a breath out. "So when I say this is a warning, be fucking grateful and I don't want you to be seen near him again," I seethed and she nodded multiple times.

She muttered apologies and kept nodding. Quickly shooting up, she ran out the door, shutting it behind her as it left me with Jimin.

"W-was it something I-I did?"

My heart shattered at his words and I turned around to face him, the tears only hurting me more as I knew I had caused them.

"That's impossible."

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