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Yesterday I stayed home from school because I was sick.

My big sister whose in year 11 stayed home as well cause she was sick. Both our parents were out.

Anyway so she pours this cleaning stuff down the laundry sink for some reason.

I walked past about twenty minutes later to get a headache pill from the cupboard.

And I see this ... thing crawling up out of the drain.

So I do the normal thing and start screaming my head off.

Then my sister comes down and says, "Gees stop screaming, I thought you had a sore throat,"

So I point at he sink and she starts screaming to.

We were screaming for no joke ten minutes.

Then I got a pair of barbecue tongs and pulled the thing out.

It was a worm.

That was literally a metre long.

*cue more screaming*

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