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April fools is my favourite holiday.

A whole day for prancing people.


If you don't 'celebrate' it then all I can say is, sucks for you.

Did anyone play loads of pranks?

I did!

It was funny...

I put blonde hair dye in my dads shampoo.

I put red hair dye in my sister's.

I painted smiley faces and love hearts and flowers in my 17 year old brothers room.

At school we all smiled creepily all lesson at our English teacher and creeped her out massively.

In geography we had a substitute and we all changed names every two minutes.

At recess I ran up to my big brother, handed him a my little pony and told him, "You left it at home so mummy said to give to you at school," and ran off leaving him with his girlfriend and friends.

And I did a few other tiny things.

All in all, this was a pretty good April fools.


And remember;

{insert something here I was to lazy to think of}

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