Uhh what now

347 31 21

So recently I've had quite a few people tell me that they hate me cause I don't like Solangelo...

Like okay but why tell me?

(If any of you people are reading this, this is directed at about five people, including you)

Seriously like five people have private messages me to tell me that and it's just like 'um yeah k do you think I give a schist?'

And then they either don't reply or tell me I'm rude

Bishes you were the ones who felt the need to PM me about the fact I don't ship something

Like one person literally typed this

'Omg I hate you because you don't ship Solangelo what kind of homophobic freak are you I hate you.'

Uhh two words; Malec, Matchell (+ whatever other ships that I can't think of right now)

(Also that person if you're reading this right now, suck my Wyssa shipping ass)

Honestly I do not care if you don't like me. But don't hate me because of my ships. Because they're never gonna change and there is nothing you can do about them.

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