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Well I got to go on an unexpected road trip today. So I will tell you the story of what happened.

-7:30 am-
Ruby: *randomly bangs on front door*
Ruby: *out of breath from sprinting down street*
Ruby: Hi this us kind of last minute but we're driving to near Sydney for four to see my grandparents and we're leaving right now just wondering if you two want to come
Parents: Yeah whatever
Me and Nat: *randomly running around packing bags and getting chargers*

-7:32 am-
*in Ruby's car for a seven or something hour drive to outside Sydney somewhere*

And that is the story of our unexpected road trip. And you might find it weird that our parents are so willing to let us go randomly away with no notice for like four days, but we've known Ruby's family since I was about four so this happens quite a lot.

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