This is a game

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So I'm gonna turn the TV off and back on and wrote down the lines it says right after.

"Help! I'm being digested alive!.

"For that smart brain that beats in your chest!"

"Please save your alteration for my much deserved parade!"



These were all from the same show. I wonder if anyone can guess which show...

"SheZow, Guy is Shezow,"

"Boys kick it like bros,"

"That's it, no more Mr nice girl,"

"A pink unpleasant taste in everyone's mouth,"

"This page is all about your SHE-S-P dude!"

"This is un-she-lievable."

"Oh heck to the no,"

"You are under she-rrest!"

"So much for the Pushy Pirate Possy,"

"Arrgh! I said pinch not punch!"

"She-lighted to help ma'am,"

"Now that is some she-licious code,"

"Come to papa!" "Don't you mean Mama?" "Whatever,"

That's enough for this show. Anyone know what is is?

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