Loke x Reader | Other Way Around

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Requested by Winged_Sky100

Hope you like! This oneshot uses the concept of Angel Slayers and OCs from my Lost and Betrayed book.

I have no life 😭😂. I actually spent ten minutes looking for a pickup line that didn't sound too out of context.

Hope it won't be too confusing!

[Not Edited]

~~~ Start ~~~

[Name] walked around town, gazing at the sky, which had so many stars in it.

She spotted different constellations, smiling up at them as she walked. To think that it was her Angel that created them. To think that she had the magic that she had constantly believed in from a young age.

She sensed a strong magical energy around. A celestial wizard's energy but she shook it off, taking out the stolen job request from her pocket.

"A bunch of monsters shouldn't be too hard. Even if they are different" [Name] said, placing it back. "Specially with you three"

Her three keys shined bright on her belt, neither silver nor gold. [Name] smiled, folding her hands behind her head, closing her eyes.

"Ten golden keys" [Name] muttered, opening her eyes again. "She must be a powerful celestial wizard"

[Name] was used to talking to herself. Especially after her angel, Destiny left. [Name] smiled, looking back up at the shining stars.

She better hurry up, if she wanted to find the monster before it causes havoc at dawn.

"Help me please?"

A light shone from the key with a cloud as the symbol, which lead in an arch towards the forest.


[Name] started to run, wanting to hurry. She entered the forest, continuing to follow the light. She slowed down to a jog, looking around.

"Man, why's this forest so dense?" [Name] ducked a branch, jumping over some logs. She felt the presence of celestial keys grow even stronger. "Wow Destiny, seriously?"

[Name] smiled slightly, hearing voices and explosions. She swung up above the trees, heading to the source of the noise and the monster. She didn't seemed phased by the fact that there were several ones.

"Celestial Angel Shriek!" She yelled, hitting one of the monsters who aimed for a blonde girl.

"Who was that?" She heard her turn and ask. [Name] aimed a spell to the other monsters.

"Watch out!" [Name] called to the pink haired boy, who turned and punched the monster.

"Hey! Who the heck are you?!" He asked.

"Lilura! Was my suspicion right?" [Name] only asked, kicking a monster, counting the number of monsters. 10 in total. Her key only glowed. "Right. These aren't normal monsters! You have to trust me"

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