Chapter One

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I started counting the tiles on the ceiling but could not even get to a hundred...I lose focus too easily. I have seen nothing but this godforsaken room for what had to be years but I am not even sure, they never tell me the date. Honestly, I don't even try to find out anymore. In the beginning I was so desperate for it. Fr just about anything actually; the time, the date, a touch, human connection. I even purposely tripped a few times in hopes someone would show compassion and catch me. I was never lucky enough. They are all cold and calculating. I am not a human being to them, just a lab rat. I hope and I guess I still hope that I will become numb and that I will not feel the sting of their cold emotionless stares, or that maybe they might slip might forget to take their morning injection, might forget to put their gloves on to touch me, just one tiny mistake and I would feel.

    You see, I am an empath, not just sensitive to others emotions but I can influence the people around me to feel a certain way and I can absorb others emotions. It makes me around the clock emotional. Even here, where thanks to synthetic injections they have created using my own blood, I am unable to feel anything from's just mute. Kind of like getting the white noise on the TV, they feel fuzzy and gives me a headache when I try to feel them. So I am stuck with my emotions all alone. It makes me feel insane. I am so back and forth, one minute I am crying, the next I am laughing. Sometimes I stay in bed for weeks, sometimes I don't sleep for days. I have such a hard time focusing on many menial tasks but my brain will fixate on complex challenges and riddles. They try to keep me busy with complex tasks and create special puzzles for me; oh boy are they so fascinated by me. The day I finished a whole Sudoku book in only an hour, they practically jizzed their pants.

    I guess I shouldn't complain too much. My prison isn't exactly like a prison. It's a beautiful room covered with matte black walls with shiny black swirls. Matching black furniture is in the room and dark purple accents the room as bedding for my queen sized bed and various knick knacks. I am not allowed to have a TV or phone but I have been provided with makeup and nice clothes, although who am I supposed to impress? The scientist that literally have seen all of me and at my worst? I guess sometimes getting pretty makes me feel better.

    I asked to be in this program though. I knew it had to be too good to be true and should have asked more questions about it, but I was fearful and they offered me protection. And boy! Did they provide it! I may have rarely been out of this room since I have gotten here and definitely have never been further than the lab right outside, but I have heard about how difficult it is to get here by eavesdropping on the lab assistants and security guards. They complain of not having service, they say it takes fifteen minutes just typing in all the codes and getting through security. I have trouble picturing it because I was sound asleep when I was brought here from the initial lab I was in; that is another story entirely but let's just say it was more prison styled, but at least their were others in the same boat as me. Now, I am all alone.

    I hear a knock on the door. 'Well I guess I was wrong about being alone.' I think bitterly to myself. I sigh knowing who is on the other side of the door. The man behind the whole project, the man who constantly has guilt in his eyes yet won't do anything about it, a man that tries to buy me comfort but still avoids my touch...

"Good evening Ms. Blake" he says.

"Is it evening? I never would have known, Mr. Wayne."

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