Chapter Thirty Two

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Rosalie's POV

    Amanda and I were just sitting in the living room watching a romcom and me still sulking from Mr. J leaving. I couldn't get rid of the bad feeling. So when Johnny ran into the room carrying Amelia, screaming at us to move. I felt completely sick. Amanda went into mom mode and grabbed Amelia and moved but I was frozen. Johnny had to tug me.

    Next thing I know, I am in the passenger seat of one of our plainer cars. It was black and inconspicuous. Johnny was in the drivers and Amanda was in the back holding onto Amelia who was crying. My heart was beating in over time and I couldn't breath. Amanda was rubbing my shoulder with one hand as Johnny drove like a maniac.

    "Where is Mr. J, Johnny?" I was afraid to ask.

    "I don't know." He's lying. "He said that if something were about to happen to him, he would notify me with a text saying 'code black'. This could mean various things, death, capture, imprisonment. One thing it did mean was, he was not going to be able to come back for awhile, if not ever." He's not lying. No, no, no. I started crying.

    "Johnny, be a little sensitive!" I heard Amanda admonish him.

    "We are going to a safe place, far from here. I promised Mr. J if anything were to happen to him, I would take care of you." Johnny didn't hold back. It hit me then, I might never see my husband again. It wasn't even fair. He wasn't going to see his children born, I was going to have to be a single mom. It hurt so bad and I couldn't control my wailing.

    Just then my stomach started cramping. Making me scream. Johnny looked at me with shock "What is going on?"

    Amanda was quick to figure it out. "Oh shit, she is having the babies."

    Johnny hit the steering wheel over and over yelling obscenities. "We have two choices, hospital or house."

    "HOME! I want to be home, Johnny. Please." I yelled. Johnny looked unsure but did a U-Turn and was calling Dr. Ludwig in no time.

    "Our position could have been compromised. I am taking you to the hospital. I'm sorry Rosie." I started crying, I couldn't even be in the comfort of my own home.

    Everything was a blur. Johnny and Amanda had me checked in at the hospital and in a bed within half an hour. D. Ludwig entered covered in scrubs and looked confused. Johnny filled her in. We agreed that when labor started, I would be tranquilized since an epidural wouldn't be strong enough and my powers could get out of control if I wasn't drugged. They finally injected me and I calmed somewhat. I wasn't hysterical and sobbing for Jack. I silently cried and made everyone else around me tear up with my sad words.

    "I'm so alone. Where is my Jack? He is going to miss meeting his babies? Will he ever even get to see them?" Amanda held me but knew there was no soothing me. I was distressed. I was heartbroken. "Why did he have to leave? I warned him Amanda, I warned him and yet he left me! What was so goddamn important?"

    Johnny tried calling him, but it went straight to voicemail. I was nervous because I was a target here. "Johnny please tell me what he was doing please?" I pleaded. He tried to get me to focus on the babies but right now, I couldn't. Finally he compromised.

    "Rosalie! Focus on having the babies and I will tell you everything after they are born." I agreed. I told him to prep the safe house since we were sitting ducks here, we would leave immediately after they were born. Dr. Ludwig had everything prepared for a quick getaway and Johnny went to install car seats in an SUV, I think was his.

    After eighteen hours of labor, the time was here. No about of tranquilizers could dull the pain. I pushed and pushed, breathed and breathed, but mostly cried. I needed Jack and he wasn't here.

    "It's a boy!" Dr. Ludwig shouted and I cried a mix of joy and sorrow.

    "Archer Jack Napier." I said as he was taken to be cleaned. A nurse was preparing the paperwork quickly so that we could get out of here ASAP. The perks of bribery.

    The second one took less energy but still tiring. "It's a girl!" Tears just would not stop down my face. "Aradia Rose Napier". I whispered, feeling my energy drain. After they were all cleaned  up, I held them. I was stitched up and cleaned up.

    I turn to Johnny, "Now tell me." He filled me in on everything. Jack's plans to hunt my family down, to how they were closing in, etc. My heart hurt, he kept this all from me. I had a decision to make. Try and save my husband and abandon my kids before they are even a day old or run away with my kids and most likely raise them on my own, but be safe. If I went to Jack, I may never see my children again. I look at Amanda. She panics.

    "No! No, no, no! You can't! This is crazy, you have two little ones who need you Rosalie!" Amanda protested and Johnny started in once he realized what was happening.

    "Please, you two need to take the babies and keep them safe. I will be back for them with Jack at my side." They knew that was a promise that I might not be able to keep. Amanda started crying.

    "Rosie, you are my best friend and I would do anything for you. Please, think this through. There is no turning back if you do." She pleaded with me.

    "I'm sure." I looked down at my babies in my arms, knowing I don't have much time. Enemies could be closing in. "Mommy loves you both very much. I will alway be with you in your hearts. Mommy has to go save daddy. Good bye my loves." I kiss their soft heads and tears stream down my face as I yell at Johnny and Amanda to go. They need to get out of here. They each take a baby and kiss my forehead and leave.

    I let it all out. All my pain, all my sadness, and all my anger. Purple energy surrounds me. I focus on one thing I have only done once before. I willed the energy to produce and outfit and weapons. At the same time, the energy completely heals me. There is no sign I was ever pregnant, besides the pain in my heart knowing my babies are gone. I am in a purple tank top, black shorts with straps crossing down my thighs. Gun and knife holsters sporadic across my body. I am ready for a fight. But first, I go to where I want them to meet me.

    I whip out my phone. I call the number that I still hope my grandpa has.

    "Hello?" He asks.

    "Hello Papi." I call him my childhood nickname. There is a pause on the phone.

    "Well hello granddaughter. You have been extremely naughty. We have been looking all over for you." He says.

    "You haven't been too good yourself. You have something I want." I tell him. My voice is fake friendly.

    "Oh you mean the green haired boy? What an interesting fellow!" He exclaims.

    "I want to have a family meeting." I tell him.

    "Oh yeah? How does this involve your friend here?" He asks. Oh he doesn't know! This is rich.

    "Well he would have to come too, seeing as he is my husband." I say calmly. I here a string of explicits  on the line and wait for it to be over. "Bring him and the family to ACE Chemical Factory on Broadway. That's where I am waiting." I hung up knowing I pissed him off.

    I stage my arena perfectly.

Black RoseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora