Chapter Six

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Rosalie's POV

His proposition was very tempting and he didn't even know the half of it. I was already on the run when I entered the program that ended up with me being the lab rat. Plus I feel I owe him for saving me. I shouldn't keep it a secret that I need protection but since that's why I went to Bruce Wayne for in the first place, I am a little hesitant. 'Just tell him Rose, he needs to know what mess he is getting himself into.' 'Don't Rose, if he says no then you are on the streets with no protection'. 'But he was kind enough to save me the first time maybe he will still keep saving me'. 'Since when are you a damsel in distress, you are a kick ass bitch that ha-'.

I cut off the voices in my head by finally speaking to him. "Mr. J, you aren't fully aware of what you are getting yourself into by simply housing me." I told him sadly.

"Enlighten me then, Rosalie." He drawled out my name in a way that sent shivers down my spine. Wow the way this man talks if even attractive. No, I can't drag him into this. It's not fair, he has been nothing but kind and I refuse to bring this kind of darkness to his life.

"No. I can't. The less I tell you then the better. They will come for me and I refuse to bring you down with me." I stated firmly.

He looked furious for a second and it took me by surprise and caused me to take a step back. He took noticed and softened his look but quickly turned into laughter. I'm glad I can't feel his emotions. He is all over the place, I would go insane adding this to my own Bipolar feelings. "Oh baby girl, you don't have to worry about me. Let me take care of you" he purred.

That did something to me. I wanted nothing more than this man to take care of me, to protect me and care for me. I felt a pang in my chest. No one has never wanted to take care of me. When he said it so seductively, I couldn't resist. "Okay how about this, I will tell you what you are up against and then you decide."

He looked amused at my attempt of negotiating his protection. "I'm not changing my mind, but to know what I am up against will help me to protect you."

I smiled at that, he was definitely determined, or arrogant. Maybe both. "So first things first. Have you ever heard of the Vassalio Mafia?"

His amusement disappeared and looked thoughtful. "I have heard of them but never have had contact. They are based in Cincinnati, right? Pretty powerful mafia and known particularly for their cruelty." I thought he sounded impressed by it.

"Okay, sorry please bear with me. It's a lot that I have never told anyone. I am a pretty private person and this is information I made sure none could dig up on me. Information is power someone can hold over the other and I hate giving power to others. But you trusted me enough to bring me into your home and care for me so I will trust you with this." He could tell that I was struggling. He reached into a drawer and pulled out a couple glasses and a bottle of scotch and poured a hefty amount into each. Then motioned for me to take his seat.

I almost declined but thought better of it, I will probably need both gestures. I haven't had alcohol since before I became part of the project. I'm typically a silver tequila girl but I took a big gulp of the scotch. Must be some good stuff since it barely burned. He went to lock the door, I assume to make sure we aren't interrupted. Then he leaned on his desk in front of me, his leg only a few inches away from me. I swivelled in the chair slightly so our legs were touching hoping that he wouldn't catch on but he did and smiled while I blushed. What is happening to me? I am not this blushing, shy, virgin girl. I am a confident and strong woman, but that flies straight out the window around him.

"I was born February 17th, 1990 as Rosalie Belle Vassalio. My mother is Isabelle Vassalio, daughter of Gino Vassalio, also known as Don Vassalio, leader of the Vassalio mafia. My brothers are currently fighting over who gets to be his successor. My brothers are Vincent and Dimitri who are pretty notorious and dangerous, but they are just too hot headed. My grandfather wanted to make sure we took his name, but when I went on the run, I changed it to my father's last name; Blake." Thinking of my family hurts so I take another big gulp of the scotch. Mr. J squeezed my hand.

"My mother was hardly in my life. She was cold and distant. I had nannies instead. Apparently when I was a baby, my mother caught my father with my nanny. She shot him and killed him. I grew up close to my grandfather. He spoiled me and it was no secret that I was his favorite. He made sure I knew how to fight and shoot. He made me very dangerous but honestly, I was never into it. I just wanted to please him. There were rumors he was going to change male succession to female succession. I was smart and very calculated and also very fast. Fast at thinking, escaping, running, fighting, driving, everything." I smiled sadly remembering the pride my grandfather had for me.

"But I had a weakness and we weren't allowed to have those. Mine came in the form of a man thirteen years older than me and married. I really picked a winner for my first love. He worked in the lower ranks for my Grandfather, but was offended assigned for my protection duty. He was my best friend and I was absolutely crazy about him. He was angry one night when his duty started for the evening. He wouldn't tell me what was wrong. I knew he was stressed about a mission coming up but this was different. I could feel his emotions of rage. I tried not to read his emotions much just because it made me sad when I did. They were a mix of attraction and disgust, due to me being only 16." I was shaking remembering the night. I was never the same after.

"He told me he found out that his wife cheated on him and the child she was pregnant with was not his. I was in shock, but then I felt his emotions of hate and anger turn to lust and love and it took me by surprise. I looked up and he was looking at me with those feeling. One thing led to another and I awoke the next morning with empty promises. He went on the mission that night and took off. Never to be seen again." A tear slid down my face and I kept my face from Mr. J, not wanting to him to see me any weaker, but he lifted my chin abruptly and wiped the tears away. I stared into his eyes for awhile before continuing.

"After that, I snapped. Bye bye morals and reservations. I became the most lethal out of my family. My heists always succeeded and my grandfather was full of hope at my potential. But I had my own plans. I was deceiving them all. I wanted out. I knew the only way they would leave me alone long enough to get away succesfully was for them to believe this was the life I wanted. When I turned 18, my grandfather was already arranging an advantageous marriage for me. That's when I planned a heist. I took my usual men, shot them all at the location, threw a dead body of a girl that matched my demographics and burned the building, making it look like a rival mafia and that I was dead." He looked surprised when I told him about me killing. I guess I am not the most deadly looking person, that made me smirk.

"So I kept driving a car I hotwired till I got to Bludhaven. I enrolled in College and had 2 years of normal. It was beautiful. I was even able to get my bachelor's in Psychology within two years. Not to toot my own horn, but that's pretty impressive. But then I heard that my family had figured out that the body wasn't me and was on the search for me. That's when I had to find protection.." I said solemnly.

Mr. J talked for the first time since I started my story. "That's when Ba-Bruce Wayne, came in."

I nodded.

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