Chapter Nine

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Joker's POV

I have been away from her for two days and it's driving me insane already. I just met the freaking girl and shared a couple kisses, why am I acting like this? Why am I feeling like this? Maybe she lied about affecting my emotions, but I should be far enough away. I am a few states over doing a deal on ammunition.

I found out that Batman is looking for her and has even called in his little twerps Robin and Nightwing for backup. He must know it was me that took her. So I decided to arm up. I hired more men and need to get more arms. I left some of my men with my Rosie, but I feel on edge without her. I should have brought her.

Frederick said she had a good time shopping and was excited to be out. I wish I could have been there to see her face light up but Frederick was smart enough to take a picture of her looking at the people excitedly and sent it to me. It's now my phone background. I was worried that all the people would overwhelm her emotions but Frederick said she was fine. I had informed a few of my men of her abilities and told them to keep quiet.

I at least got to talk to her on the phone for a bit, she sounded happy. I was afraid she would be weird after I shot Jones, but I guess she is used to the lifestyle. I don't think she has found out that I am the Joker and what that means so she must not be watching TV, or the news. I almost shut it down before I left but I don't want her to feel like she's in a prison again. My short times in Arkham were bad enough, I couldn't imagine what five years would be like.

I am curious about this ability she obtained. I just knew it wasn't the time to push her. She is an even greater asset than I initially thought! Frost is on the phone next to me as I am looking out the car window at the gray sky, comparing it to her eyes.

Frost hangs up and informs me it's our scientist. "So apparently there are three different formulas. All seem to be for your girl. The blue is a tranquilizer, not just any but one that could kill even an elephant. This is probably what they used to know her out" The implications are not spoken but even I widen my eyes at this, apparently it takes a lot to knock out my little Rose. "The green one is an injection that the scientist probably used. It has all sorts of neurotransmitter blockers in it, blocking the emotions. It may be wise to inform the men watching her to take it. We wouldn't want her to freak out and try to leave by manipulating them." I nod at this in agreement, still apprehensive of how she will react when she finds out what he has done. "Finally, the yellow is one that was used to probably used to torture her. It actually looks a lot like something Dr. Crane came up with, but it doesn't just fuck with you psychologically, it also causes immense physical pain."

I got angry thinking about this last one and consider telling him to get rid of all of those but think of how great it would be to use on others. "Keep them all, tell the men at the house about the blue and green one, and instruct them to use the green one ASAP and only use the blue if she tries to escape. Don't tell them about the yellow."

"Got it boss. The deal should be wrapped up today and then we can head home." Frost informed me.

"Good, while I am at this meeting, have one of the boys go and get this for me." I showed him a picture.

"Boss, I don't think that's really your style, although it matches your eyes." Frost smirks. I look at him surprised...Frost just made a joke and I laugh out loud.

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