Chapter Thirty Five

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Joker's POV

    It has been almost a year since she disappeared. Every day brings on fresh pain. They say time heals all but it has just made it worse. What hurt was knowing that she willingly left me. Me and our children. Harley had been caught and thrown into Arkham but there has been no sight of Rose. I had gotten one letter shortly after it happened.

    My Dearest Jack,

    I am so sorry for what I am about to do, but I am sick. I have turned into something powerful and dangerous. I could not live with myself if I ever hurt you or the children so I am leaving. I hope that one day, I will be better, but you can't wait for that day Jack because it will probably never come.

    You have given me everything I have ever wanted in life. I would not change a single thing. You have showed me what it was like to feel real love and to be loved back. You have given me the two most precious things in the world.

    I wish we would have had a Happily Ever After, but I will make sure you are all safe. No one shall ever harm you, because though I may not be there physically. You will forever have my heart. I will forever be yours.



    The day I got the letter was one of the top worst days of my life. I have torn the city apart looking for her. I could not find her, even though what she wrote was right. No harm ever came to us. All threats that were rumored were neutralized. Sometimes I would go into the nursery and smell her; like cupcakes. It was like she was there but wasn't.

    It was hard looking at the babies, they were such a perfect mix of us already. Archer had my eyes and Aradia had hers. Even if I wanted to move on, how could I when I had two bundles of joy remind me of her constantly?

    I wanted to hate her. I wanted to punish her and make her pay. But I couldn't hate her, all I wanted was her back in my arms. I was in agony. On some level I understood. I remember when I first became the Joker, I could have never been safe to be around children or loved ones, I would have destroyed them. She made me better and I had hoped I could make her better, but I knew she was too scared that she would make me sick.

    Today is our wedding anniversary. I needed to be alone so I sent the kids with Johnny and Amanda for the weekend and sent my henchmen home. I thought about going out and finding a woman. I haven't been with one since her. I have tried, never bringing them to my home, but as soon as their lips touched mine, I got sick. They weren't her. Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I would finally go out and find a woman. I would start moving on.

    Tonight, though, I would get incredibly intoxicated. I was actually on my way to alcohol poisoning when I heard the doorbell ring. I laughed and stumbled my way to the door. I opened the door and tried to clear my vision but the alcohol had things blurred. I could tell she was a woman, a short woman with pale skin, and dark hair pulled up into a bun. She kind of looked like Rosie.    

    "HA HA HA, Johnny sent me a woman! Have you come to play little girl?" I slurred and stumbled but she caught me.

    "Are you okay Mr. J?" Her voice was hoarse and low making it sound sexy. I purred.

    "You are one sexy woman." I told her as she tried to help me over to the living room couch.

    "Well, I am glad you think so." I could hear the smile in her voice. I started to feel sick and did something I have rarely done. I threw up. "Oh no, let's get us cleaned up now." She said. Why was she being so nice? Whores aren't typically so nice especially after their customers throw up on them.

    She started to remove my shirt and that terrible feeling kicked in. I fought her off "No! No, no, no! I'm married. Only my wife can touch me."

    "Shhh, shh, calm down. I am just cleaning you up." That's when I saw her eyes. They were alight with a smile and silver as can be.

    "Rosie?" Then I passed out.

    I woke up with the worst headache ever. I was on the living room couch and in my boxers. I could hear faint singing from the kitchen and the smell of food. No! I slept with someone and in our home. Mine and Rosie's home. I betrayed her. I put my head in my hands. I'll kill this woman, how dare she take advantage of me. How dare Johnny hire someone to come to me.

    I grabbed my gun and headed to the kitchen. I aimed it at the figure wearing one of my shirts about to shoot when she turned around. I fell to my knees and dropped the gun. I must really have lost my mind. There is no way. How is she here? She rushes over to my side.

    "Jack! Jack! Are you okay? Talk to me honey." Her hands are on my face, she is real and she is here. I can't talk. So I grab her and kiss her. I kiss her as if I will lose her again, I kiss her like our lives depended on it and she responds with equal enthusiasm. Her hair has fallen loose from its bun and I now see the curly purple tendrils at the ends. I rip my shirt off of her along with her underwear. I take her hard and desperately right there on the kitchen counter.

    We go for hours throughout the entire house before we can say anything to each other. Finally, I ask "How could you?" not even bothering to hide the pain in my voice. She flinches.

    "Jack, I nearly went on a rampage. I was completely and utterly unstable. I did it to protect you and the children. They could have easily been hurt and so could have you." She tells me.

    "I could have helped you." I told her.

    "I could have made you like me Jack and I wasn't risking that. I became so much stronger. All my senses heightened and it drove me insane. I was in a lot of pain. I almost killed Harley. Instead, I used her as a bargaining chip." I looked at her and motioned for her to continue.

    "You won't like this but I went to Bruce Wayne. I told him I would give him Harley Quinn if he would help me and not tell a soul I was with him. He agreed but tried to hold me prisoner. I made it clear, I came and go as I wanted, he owed me that. He complied as long as I didn't kill anyone. That was so hard in the beginning. I had bloodlust like nothing we have ever seen. Especially when I found out about threats against you and our children." I felt almost betrayed, she has been with my enemy this whole time and not me, but it clicked.

    "You have been protecting us this whole time. You have even been here." She had tears in her eyes.

    "Only till more recently was I able to actually be around you all, knowing I could control myself. I would come in and hold the babies, I would lay next to you. Those moments have been the highlight of my year." I could see how hard this was on her so my anger softened. How could I stay mad at her.

    "I will forgive you on one condition." I told her. I went and grabbed the box that held her necklace. She looked hopeful at me.

    "Anything, my love." She said.

    "Don't ever leave me again." I put the necklace on her.

    "Never even would dream of it." She promised.

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